I carry several Thumb Drives in my coat pocket (along with pieces of paper, lighter, notes, money, keycard, car keys, pennies I find on the pavement, other coins, receipts, and a bunch of other stuff I have no idea what it is). They are always there, my security blanket. I should add that to the 6 weird things about me. I need my Thumb Drives. I used to carry a couple of zip disks in my purse. And before that I had at least two xacto knives in my purse. I need my tools with me. When I purchased a gig Thumb Drive last year I felt I had reached the pinnacle of all that was of technology that I needed to be. I had the same feeling when I purchased my gig card for the digital camera. But to own a 8 gig Thumb Drive, well, where would my head be then? 23 Things to Do With a Thumb Drive. This reminds me of a conversation I had with a very wonderful friend 20+ years ago in a newspaper graphics art department. We both agreed that we won the lottery that we would not buy cars or furs, we would purchase a color copier to have right in our homes!
D is really, really wanting of these, mimobot designer character Thumb Drives from mimoco, and they are the most fun thing I have seen in awhile. Found this delicious link via Yatzer, Design to Share.
Rubber Duck. How to make our own Lego Thumb Drive and it's own blog. Pez memory sticks. Yum on a stick. Thumb Drive on a landyard. And the ultimate, having my own Thumb Drive with my logo on it or better yet, why don't our companies give these for Christmas presents?
What are the chances I'll ever see the thumb drive I loaned you last year? It's not even a cool one.
I look for the beauty in nature, patterns, the ordinary. This is my place where I save wonderful discoveries since 2004. Please contact me at kimberlycarney AT hotmail DOTCOM.
What are the chances I'll ever see the thumb drive I loaned you last year? It's not even a cool one.
Rick, you can go on ebay and bid on it with the rest of them ;)
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