I have seen many breakups, ugly, heart-wretching breakups. Most I experienced through my friends, only once was I left so devastated that it took me years to get over the cruelity, humilation at which I had been treated and portrayed as a crazy, insane bitch. But this is how is done, in case any of you haven't experienced this yourselves. The man has an affair, at some points tells you or if he is a real chicken-shit, will not tell you the truth at all, but leave you hanging in limbo trying to guess what YOU did wrong. Or he leaves you with a house full of kids, a house, by the way, that he as a contractor never even worked on and is about to fall down, ignores child support then moves off with your friend that is "now" his girlfriend and proceeds to build her an enormous house on riverfront property, buy boats, take vacations but still refuses to pay health insurance for his kids. You have to see this kissing, adoring couple at the kid's baseball games, football games that you attend, alone. The entire town rallies around him, because he is on the city council, an adored contractor, and of course, he was married to "that bitch". He never has a rational conversation with you, only starting every phone converstion by calling you a "f*&cking bitch". I have seen this tranference of guilt and hate many, many times. He has the affair and leaves, but YOU are the bitch.
So I begged my very funny, smart, psychologist friend, who is still living this post-divorce hell to write a book. A book that tells women, like me, and others I know, that we are not crazy for feeling crazy. That they did nothing wrong, just did not see the signs. That you are not a fire-breathing bitch.
This is how men can drive woman to the edge of insanity, some fall off and think harming someone will make them feel better. Trust me, I have had these thoughts, just never acted on them. My now-divorced-single-working-moms-with-lots-kids-and-no-time-or-energy-to-have-a-date, they have had those devilish fantasies as well.
We were having a conversation about the nutty astronaut, pitying her and disapproving at the same time. But then we landed on the subject of the wife who ran over her husband at the hotel where he was engaging in a trist with his lover. We both giggled maniacally and said in unison, we never thought she should be convicted of that minor infraction. I guess you have to experience it, or see your friends half-dead from grief to say, sometimes running over your husband can be a good thing. And as a side note, D bought her a little pillow for her birthday that says, "I ran into my husband the other day, then backed up and ran over him again". Humor does heal absolute hurt.
We learn from all of these experiences, and they do make you a bigger, better, stronger person. I know that from my heart. It still does not make it any easier when you are going through hell. So, let's not be too hard on the diaper-wearing astronaut.

You are so very right. My daughter had a similar situation to yours and we've lived with his extravagance and world jet-setting while complaining about each cent he pays in child support (through the Courts so there is not one chance of him getting out of it). It is all about to come crashing down on him though - he's about to be back in court for adjustment of child support and his current lifestyle, since he won't provide the papers that prove what he earns, will cost him far more than the actual. He's been living high on the hog and his little porkie behind is about to turn into ham. What's the name of that book your friend wrote? I think my daughter needs a copy!
Of course, you are right about the poor misguided astronaut stalker chick. Furthermore, I think charging her with intent to commit murder is a bit severe - I always intend to clean my house, and NEVER do! I was rather mean to the poor old girl on my blog. The truth is that women have a hard time embracing their real power in life (and I'm preaching to myself, here, darling). Women often will completely throw over all sense of self to be one of a couple, abandoning careers, personal goals and dreams and often the will to defend or take care of themselves. I think most men don't lose themselves in relationships the way women are wont to do, and that's why it can seem so unbalanced and cruel. If we're viewing this from a purely evolutionary standpoint, the woman MUST be a team player and must keep all the little chicks in the nest and tend personal care for everyone in the family while the man has to go out and distinguish himself amongst the pack and drag home the biggest hunk of meat for his family. Although it's hard to see it that way, this paradigm actually has its cruelties for the man, too, because they have a very different and insane order of pressure from females. I think, though, this instinct is at the heart of their easy abandonment of wives and children - they already think they are on their own, in a way - and when something hotter comes along, well, they think why shouldn't they trade up? Still, if this guy was such a braniac astronaut, what was he doing interfering with a vulnerable mother who must have OBVIOUSLY been in a state of crisis at the end of her marriage? I think it quite likely he saw an opportunity to get some ass with no consequences and the whole thing backfired on him.
But you know what? I've never understood this going after the other woman thing. If I couldn't bear life without a particular man and I caught him messing around on me behind my back, I'd be going after HIM and not the other woman. The other woman had no covenant or understanding with me - she owed me nothing -- why would I blame her? And when I went after him, I'd bring a chair to duct-tape him to, a can of Crisco, and a flame-thrower. That is all.
On the other hand, if I wanted the guy to go away, I'd send flowers to the bitch for taking the loser off my hands!
AMEN, sister! (And so entertainingly said!) :)
We know the stories, carry them in our bones...and never dream to express our anger in a way that could hurt someone. so we tend to hurt ourselves. and live in that pain.
My friend like yours husband got away with murder. He drove my friend MAD, literally. It is a movie set I tell you. And often I ask her to express her anger show her pain and she doesn't. she holds it inside and dies another death. His lover moved into their home when my friend still lived there. Bitterness can drive us crazy if it starts to call itself love in the disguise of letting go and thinking we did something to deserve it.
I too understand how love/anger can drive someone over the edge. You wrote it well. Truth dispells darkness, but sometimes someone needs to use a blow torch.
isn't that the truth!!! From the other end of the world I heard this in the news and did a rant to my husband about "and what about the male astronaut....rant..rant..."...he looked at me as if I"D lost it!!!He lost big brownie points I can tell you!!!!!
The thing that freaks me out in this situation though, is that she drove for 12 hours and she had to be thinking about what she was going to do. I'd like to think that at some point I'd come to my senses...
Yes, I definitely think the nutty astronaut needs help!
Hey, I missed Oprah but I heard it was good....I just found this page and it was so true to this post about surviving, learning and forgiving that I had to add it ...
"True forgiveness, James says, is when you can say the following to the person who hurt you: "Thank you for giving me that experience."
But how can you forgive when something truly tragic or terrible happens? James says you should grieve, but eventually you need to look for a hidden gift. "Here's what I encourage people to ask themselves: How does this serve me? … If you're really willing to dig, there's a lesson in there," James says. "And secondly, what can I learn from this situation?"
Yes, I agree!
There must be a line that the brain crosses, over into a temporary insanity zone. A place where the brain travels that causes women to murder their children or throw away their entire lives for a man's attention/love. There is no other rational explanation as to what drives some women to do these things. Does the feeling of hate evolve into some kind of a monster that takes over all rational thought? I really feel for this woman, it looks to me that she could have independently supported herself and her children, without a man...what a sad situation.
As a former (reformed) stalker myself, I have to agree that there are just certain situations when it comes to crazy love that one might just "snap." And, "snap" I think this woman did.
For me all that wasted energy on a man, all the times I drove by, called and hung up, what a waste. I don't believe it had anything to do with how much I "loved him," but more that I had no love for myself. Once I realized this, it all changed. And how grateful I am for that.
Yes, so true and well said! The old saying still stands, "when one door closes another one opens but for a time it is hell in the hallway."
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