Monday, May 30, 2022

Home, Sweet Home

My wonderful friend's house feels like it is in a forest. The back deck is in the midst of big fir trees and some other tree I could not identify. Katie feeds the birds, so they were everywhere. Begin loudly singing before sunrise, darting around the deck. I fed them lots of scraps, mostly bread, which the Stellar Jays took over. Stellar Jays, Chickadees, Juncos, Flicker, Robins, Finches, Woodpecker ... to name a few. They was fun to watch. 

Her house is a mid-century modern showcase, floor to ceiling windows throughout the house. But I froze my toes off as she told me that all the windows were single pane. My hands and feet were blocks of ice. I think the temperature is at least 15 degrees warmer over here in Edmonds, and definitely sunnier. Funny how 40 miles can make so much difference. I watched hours and hours of trashy TV on the ID channel. Jesus, the sh*t we do to each other is unspeakable. 

My most fun moments are listening to David Sedaris' A Carnival of Snackery: Diaries (2003-2020). He is so dry and funny, I find myself laughing out loud while walking around the grocery store.  

"If it’s navel-gazing you’re after, you’ve come to the wrong place; ditto treacly self-examination. Rather, his observations turn outward: a fight between two men on a bus, a fight between two men on the street, pedestrians being whacked over the head or gathering to watch as a man considers leap­ing to his death. There’s a dirty joke shared at a book signing, then a dirtier one told at a dinner party—lots of jokes here. Plenty of laughs. 

These diaries remind you that you once really hated George W. Bush, and that not too long ago, Donald Trump was just a harmless laughingstock, at least on French TV. Time marches on, and Sedaris, at his desk or on planes, in hotel dining rooms and odd Japanese inns, records it. The entries here reflect an ever-changing background—new administrations, new restrictions on speech and conduct. What you can say at the start of the book, you can’t by the end. At its best, A Carnival of Snackery is a sort of sampler: the bitter and the sweet. Some entries are just what you wanted. Others you might want to spit discreetly into a napkin."

I discovered compendium of color-illustrated ichthyological studies of Louis Renard.  More images here and here


Friday, May 27, 2022

My bags are packed, not ready to go

Going away to house sit for a friend for a couple of days. Packing up my radishes, cucumber, pears, can of chili, wine, toothbrush and iPad. Might not be online. Why is it always so hard to leave my house? I always dread it!

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Missing them today


And how did I not know that there was such a wonderful thing as PINK SNOWBALL Viburnum??? I have a white one, getting a pink one soon
I got my new Meadowrue in the ground today. This is NOT mine, I have three pretty small versions. Have you ever put something in the ground and then think, I hope I am around to see it next year? Sometimes these thoughts pop into my head.

In the trees

Seattle artist, Marjorie Thompson, grew up on the doorstep of the Pacific Northwest’s rain forest and pacific coast beaches. Nature and its magical inspiration has been a part of her artwork throughout her lifetime.

The Waddesdon Bequest

That was such an interesting video on The Waddesdon Bequest, I had to investigate further. A superb collection of nearly 300 objects left to the Museum in 1898 by Baron Ferdinand Rothschild, the Waddesdon Bequest consists of exceptionally important and beautiful medieval and Renaissance pieces, as well as a number of 19th-century fakes. Together, they paint a fascinating picture of the development of the art market in the late 19th century.

Easy Abstracts

Clair Bremner 



Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Still cooking

Last night I made a really easy, perfectly seasoned chili. I have never done that before, usually David needs to spice it up. I highly recommend it, very easy, quick. With a cheesy, corn-filled cornbread, too crumbly because of the corn. 


And now I have made so many quiches, I can make it without the recipe. Now I am just experimenting with additions. Using a version of this recipe. I just whipped one up! ;)

UPDATE I think I put too much spinach and filling in the base ... will watch that next time

Cooking while this is playing in the background.



Call the guys in the white coats!

I am glad no one can hear David and I ranting and screaming at the news. Greg Abbott's news conference where he proclaimed they have done everything possible to stop random shootings, can't even repeat the shit we scream at ted cruz. If people could hear and watch us, they would call the hospital to have us committed. ;0

These pathetic gun-loving republicans are disgraceful. RUN THEM OUT OF OFFICE 

What Sen. Murphy said




Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Bringing it home

At the grocery store today, going over my list to purchase, but seeing all kinds of other delicious food items I would like to try, I got this overwhelming kid-feeling I had when mom would come home from  grocery shopping, car filled with all the wonderful stuff she would whip up for us. 

I would help her unload the car, excited about all the new foods. She was such a great cook, a great mom, coupon-shopper, surprising us with great meals. I really miss her but I am so thankful for those memories and that full-heart feeling when I think back on those moments.

Ricky Gervais Can’t Wait for Humanity to Be Wiped Out

Judgmental chihuahua

How can you not love this dog? 

Lori Siebert

Lori Siebert flowers make me giggle in delight.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Contemporary colourist

Contemporary colourist, Lesley Seeger, loving her landscapes, especially magical trees.