Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Signals sent to my brain to put my in a happy place

I am not good at change. I spent all day yesterday on the phone with Ziply and Comcast trying to salvage my old phone number. Ziply screwed up and did not capture my old number of 30 years transferred over. But of course they did not take responsibility. So I went back and forth with both trying to fix it. I did get it ready to be transferred from Comcast, but after about an hour on the phone with Ziply to accept that transfer they discovered that someone had changed my gig (?) from 1 to 2 and that you could not have a phone with 2, so they would have to change that first which would take 10-14 days to make that change to my account. And I would have to call Comcast and cancel the the cancellation while we waited ... I know ... it is complicated and your head is probably spinning as mine was at this point yesterday. When I lost my sh*t and said ... forget it! This is too silly. We will just cancel all phone request. I guess I should have called Comcast and continued service while waiting for Ziply to fix their f*ck up, but honestly, I was so disgusted. I am pretty patient up to a point. 

I am trying to acclimate to the Roku but I am missing having my daily shows recorded. So I am spending a lot of time hunting for my political shows from the afternoon (without paying) and the late night shows that I record then watch the monologue in the morning. That is my silly habit. So far I can only find snippets on YouTube and not the entire show. I am sure I will figure it all out in time but in the meantime, it feels quite lonely here with my daily TV friends and sounds. 

I have been opting to watch old Agatha Christie movies, and any other PBS mysteries that I run across on YouTube. The opening theme songs to each of these brings back and puts me in such a good mental space. And why? Because as a kid watching PBS mysteries on Sunday night, and into my adulthood ... Sunday night mysteries were a good ending. The weekend was over, baths were taken, nice meals had, in my mind's eye I am warm, in flannel pajamas, wrapped up in front of the TV waiting for my favorite shows to end my week and send me off to sleep. This is the same for the Pride and Prejudice series theme song. Just hearing it puts me in such a good mood, with the anticipation of something really good about to happen. I am in self-preservation mode via old YouTube videos right now LOL.

Interesting comments here from YouTube:  

"In my opinion, one of the best musical themes composed for film ever. Remembered it since childhood and keep coming back to listen every once in a while."  

"Feel like crying, reminds me of those nights I'd get all cosy with a cuppa tea and enjoy a great mystery!" 

"Reminds me of watching this awesome show on tv with my grandma.. ❤️ Now she’s gone and i miss her and those times so much."  

"My mom loved this show. This theme is burned into my 90's memories."


Funny because Mason can hear any of the Mysteries I watch and come running into this room to watch. She loves Father Brown. (I am pretty sure she isn't getting that at her home now ... just housewives, no mysteries and Nature). I hope she remembers that when she is an adult.


Midsomer Murders reminds me of afternoons spent watching them with mom. And how giddy we were once I found out you could buy the DVD's from Amazon! And we would splurge sometimes and watch TWO in one afternoon!

Mom and I would watch Upstairs, Downstairs in Scotland.

I would put on 1940's mystery movies in the afternoon here and David and I would talk about how you could always tell what it was from the opening theme song. Brings back my watching horror movies in my mom's bed on the weekends.

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