I wish I could just stay in my safe blog space and not venture out into the big, ugly world of Twitter and politics. But of course, I can not.
I am NOT in a good mood today. CNN is turning into Fox Lite, laying off John Harwood and Brian Stelter. It appears the new head Chris Licht wants money more than he wants the truth. Alisyn Camerota was critcizing Biden's speech yesterday, along with every other MAGA voice in the Republican party and Fox and OAN, across the airwaves. Idiot Marge is saying Biden wants her dead. What a laugh, I doubt he gives her 2 seconds of thought.
Thank God, they have Acosta, Anderson and lots more to keep me watching every once in awhile.
Yeah, I spent hours in the muck listening to the right-wing nuts complain about Biden's speech and talking about how their feelings were hurt. LOL I can not just laugh and walk away, I have to respond. I learned that lesson when they were all asking for Obama's birth certificate and I completely ignored the idiocy. I said, No one is going to take that bullsh*t seriously and I dismissed it. I was wrong.

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