Friday, December 16, 2011

How do I love thee?

Okay, I am so busy that I don't really think I am going to get Christmas finished! 

So here is a little story I am sure David or mom would not like me to share. But, it is so funny (to me) that I must. Rick (I work with my neighbors, Rick and Laura) came over last night. I had gone over a couple of days ago, in my "work clothes" and wooly house slippers (ie, the clothes I have been wearing for days). There was Rick, unshaven, in his wooly house slippers wearing the same clothes he had had on for days. Last night when he walked in and we saw each other ... we both said ... you haven't  showered or changed since the last time I saw you! And laughed, thinking we should document the state of us in our "self-employed" attire with a photograph and wishing it could be a "scratch & sniff". No iconic, stylish black, designer turtle-necks. No high-heeled boots or fashion-forward prints. We keep it real. ;) 

These made me giggle this morning! How much do I love these little spent seedpods? 

How do I love thee?

How do I love thee?

How do I love thee?


Shelley Noble said...

Due to living without any heat and being self-employeed, I live like a pioneer, wishing to shower only at the Spring thaw.

I only shower however many times a week I go to a dance class out of consideration to the other dancers. There's TOO MUCH fun stuff to do to waste time bathing!

Love the seed pods.

Maggy said...

Oh, damn .. I was really hoping for a "scratch and sniff" pic, even though I couldn't smell it ..

That scenario of your 'work day' with Rick is TOO funny! I love it!

YOU GO, Sister! I love your spunk, and the fact that you're carving out a creative future for yourself. Long overdue, I might add. Now hang an ornament or two on on of your Branchlers and sing "Merry Christmas" to you!

xoxo! M.

Kim Carney said...

Yes, Shelley, that is exactly what I tell my mom! I have more important things to do rather than comb my hair. ;) She still doesn't agree.

Thank you Maggy! I am going to work on the ornaments (soon) ;0 as soon as I get all this work off my plate. --- maybe a *New Year* project. LOL

Thank you DAlmeida ...