A few (more) of my favorite tree ornaments.
Listing tree!
Put out the bird suet. Next, find the bird seed.
The Olympic mountains with fresh snow look beautiful today.
Trying to get the basement/studio back in order after our flooding.
I feel like I want to cry all day.
More meds?
Please feel better. Everything looks beautiful! xoxo
Gosh all mighty, Kim, you've made an absolutely incredible Christmas!
Maybe you could start your own styling consultancy. But perhaps if doing these marvelous things became your day-to-day work, you'might not enjoy doing it for your family as much.
But you really are a powerhouse of talents.
How are your vitamin D levels?
I love to follow your traditions. It is very comforting. Thanks : )
Feeling better Gerrie, thank you!
Hey Shelley, you are right about that. If it were a job I would be like my M-I-L who wraps the decorated tree in plastic, ornaments and all and up to the attic it goes ;)
Catherine, I have had that complaint about the captcha before (actually by my friend, Maxinetoo, above. I sent notes off to blogger group to ask them what was up with that. I have turned it off so let's see what happens.
Thank you, I do love our traditions, the holidays, it feels all soothing and right with the world.
xoxox you guys!
Glad to see (in your comment section) you are feeling better.
Wish I could get into the spirit of Christmas and start making gifts the way you and your mother do. My inspiration always comes at the 11th hour and I have to be nervous until then.
Natalie - well, it is really easy for me because I just do the wrapping! Mom and David make the goodies!!! If left up to me with my wayward procrastination ... everyone would be getting I-OWE-YOU's ... which is about what I did last year on my xmas card last year ;)
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