Murphy did not settle down until around 2:30 am! He slept on top of me for about an hour, then finally moved to the sofa that I put many blankets on. I forgot how much he sheds!
I also forgot what a mess he makes when he drinks water. I give him a huge bowl for his water and put a tray underneath to save my wooden floors in the kitchen (good luck with that). This morning I fed him soft food mixed with kibble. He eats so quickly it scares me so I end up feeding him by hand every time! Then when he drinks he water, he leaves a pool of water and drool all around the tray, plus he splashes the water all of the furniture and walls, no matter how far away the bowl is from the walls. It is incredible. But he is such an innocent sweetheart.
I set myself up to get attack by the right-wing nutters last night on
Facebook. Why do I do it? I don't know. I get so upset, I simply can't help
myself. Many of them attacked my age, which I thinks just makes me look smarter LOL
One of my attackers was even a priest. LOL I posted this on FB last
night in my hour of tears. But this morning I listen to Obama this morning in Michigan and felt a
little better. There is no hate more vile than Christian hate!
When I was trying to find the screenshot I has taken, all of his Facebook info had disappeared! He either closed his FB or blocked me. He wasn't very proud of what he has said to me or he had a change of politics in an hour. If you can't stand by the hate you spew ... then think twice before you start typing it!
"Fr. Jerry Thompson is a retired Roman Catholic Priest from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles."
I have been so depressed today, crying, reflecting on the last disturbing 6 years. Now pelosi’s attack and the right’s reaction, everything from saying it was staged to accusing him of getting caught doing something sexual because he was in his underwear during the attack. Not one republican has spoken up against the attack. Then musk and Twitter. I just want to leave Twitter and Facebook. Me getting verbally attacked by a right wing priest of all things! No hate like Christian hate. When I was like this and wanted to stand down and ignore the craziness going on, David would encourage me to keep fighting the propaganda, the hate, the craziness. I am really missing him being my cheerleader. I just don’t think I stay on Twitter. But then I just saw on Twitter that many are feeling as hopeless as I am feeling today. I guess that makes me feel less insane for having cried all day. I think our country is forever broken.
Historian, Jon Meacham said today. “One of the marks of the end of a republic is the normalization of political violence.’
The narrative on Pelosi attack this morning

Wow...just Wow...I did not expect that to go where it did.
neither do I every time I go on Twitter :0
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