So for our dinner tonight ... it was rather unplanned. The fragrance in the backyard is worth all the hard work we did out there today! We all got busy raking leaves, taking down Christmas lights, outdoor cleaning in general ... and sort of forgot about dinner. We had talked about ordering ribs from our rib source but they were closed for the holiday and ended up getting them from the grocery store. Mom made baked potatoes and beans.
But if you like garbanzo beans, mom made this stew Friday night and it was really good.
I forgot to pick up last year's recipe book!
i love garbanzo beans, especially on my salad! can i borrow your mom for a month or two.
kate, i will send you the chili cookbook!
Kelly, yes, but be prepared for someone to take the clothes you are taking off for the laundry ;P
Hey, I think that is a viburnum, spring bouquet, but I cant find it right now on the interet ;)
Oh Boy! Kim, these recipes look wonderful. We love chili. I made pulled pork a couple of weeks ago and the neighbors were drooling at the kitchen window. I may have to pace myself (ahem) but these are definitely recipes I'll try. Sounds like your Mom is up and running again 100%. Very cool!
With our low temp. in the teens we are making CHILI. Cornbread is next on the menu. For Kate you will get 2 copies, one is already in the mail from last year. Recipes are the same but D's covers are great. Thx. Kim for showing the poster. GMC
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