Some days at work are just better than others. Today I got to babysit a coworker's puppy! After running hard outside, chasing sticks, she took a little nap at my keyboard! Ahhhh. Working doesn't get any better than that! Here is a better photo of Layla.
Some may feel squeamish about eating it, but rabbit has a fan base that grows as cooks discover how easy they are to raise — and how good the meat tastes.
I look for the beauty in nature, patterns, the ordinary. This is my place where I save wonderful discoveries since 2004. Please contact me at kimberlycarney AT hotmail DOTCOM.
No kidding, this blog has gone to the dogs [smirk]. Look at her! OMG - the thought of that sweet puppy smell and having her head on your lap. Sigh.
Ohhhhhhh he's sooooooooo cute! They are a precious breed!
what a darling! this brought a big smile to my face at the end of a long day at my (puppyless) keyboard.
isn't he a cutie!
who works or rests harder than a puppy? Dogs rule!
That one is super-cute!
Some may feel squeamish about eating it, but rabbit has a fan base that grows as cooks discover how easy they are to raise — and how good the meat tastes.
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