My son is my universe. From the minute he was born he has been the best kid a mom could ask for. Always smiling, with a great sense of humor, a wonderful sense of fairness, brave, adventuresome, honest, forthright and a good helping of common sense. Sometimes I would see kids in the store throwing a little tantrum and think I can't remember M doing that once. I wonder why of course, because kids do that kind of stuff. I have always been able to just talk to him honestly about his behavior, not yell, not get mad, not scream. Just explain right from wrong and he got it. He was always so hard on himself for anything wrong-doing he had done, that I did not have the heart to take punishment any further. Of course, we have our moments, he is far from an angel. I thank God everyday for him. His name means "gift from God" and he is my special gift.

what are a lucky mommy. but then again, so am i
Isn't it great that we boost such a privilege!!!
A proud mother and a fine son. Both of you the lucky ones.
I love seeing this side of you. Your universe is, indeed, a rich one.
Aaaww, I love that top photo of you together!!
They are a gift! Beautiful shot of a lovely young man and his #1 fan.
WOW! You're lucky! How wonderful to have such a great and blessed son ad relationship. I love my son, he's sweet and loving, but he definitely whines and has tantrums! Mary :-D
A son comes in many shapes, - you are so blessed with your relationship to this one!
Great photos!
Well said, Kim. Hey...Did the boy get his mop o' hair cut for school? No more shag!
i pray for my kids every day too Kim! He is a handsome one! i was trying to seeeeeeeeeee his cool looking jacket!! XO
Hav I told you how i love your glasses?
Anyhow. I love when you post about your son-especially with pics-where we see the love you share.
He seems to have grown up since the last pic I saw.
They do grow up so fast don't they. My son is starting to look like a little boy more than a baby.
How did he like his first couple of days being a freshman?
He is a blessing indeed. It's amazing that he's not a little boy any more - it seems a mere moment has past since I first saw him when I visited you in '92. Wow. I mean, heck, WE are still just kids, right? uh, right? *L*
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