My mind turned to photos I had just seen this morning on the wires of an Iraqi woman who lost her son by a suicide bomber targeting Americans. I can't even wrap my mind around losing my son, losing my son to a suicide bomber, or losing my son in a war that had nothing to do with preserving our freedoms as a country. The disfiguring anguish seen on mother's faces is more than I can bare.
My mind turned to wives and mothers all of over the world, hurting, losing, suffering, mourning, and how we all the same in grief despite our cultural differences (hence illustration number two).
Then a third image popped into my head, about draining our country of it's future. That is how I my mind worked ... and these three images were conceived.
(later) I swear I would rather poke out my eyes, than wait for a webpage to load. I am not sure why it takes so long to view the new IF site's entries. It has taken me all morning and I hardly got through most of them. Here are a few that caught my eye, Cheap Tarts, snorkblog, Suzaka Samurais’s sacrifice, Foolish Fire, Sacrifice of the Ex-Virgin, bleeding heart, A different perspective and Friday Eve.

Wow, very interesting. I especially like the second one, a play on playing card images.
I think this was the right on the money. I thank you so much for your entry and I couldn't have said it better myself. I want to cry when I think of what has happened to our country in the last six years.
very powerful! Well done- thanks
Breaks my heart too.
I love the last one the most. You should send it in to newsweek or time is great
Great mind went to a similar place too when I saw the theme for the week.
For some reason the flag image is the most powerful to me, it's how I feel right now. You should send it to a group who can use it for an image. WOW, so powerful.
It's a very sad time. I just try to be thankful for everyday I have, and always remember to say "I love you" to someone close.
I agree completely! When did war ever solve anything? And when will we learn?
These are such strong images and you really should send them to some organization that will use them. They are powerful!!
These are great. My favorite is the first one. You can feel her pain.
Thanks for the reminder, Kim. nice job.
All incredible! The third one is pure genius ~ deserves to be seen on a wide scale.
I totally agree with you Kim.
I also think that you should submit your illos to Newsweek- they are powerful and very well done.
Powerful images and so thought provoking!
These are very poweful, thanks for sharing them :)
thank you everyone! I do like the first one, a small tribute to that poor woman in Iraq. My art director husband said, what is that "bowl" on the (second illustration) woman's head? I said, it suppose to be a veil, but I did it really fast and did not revisit it after I saw it did not look like a veil. I do these illustrations really fast, that is part of MY challenge, 20 minutes or less. I do love the idea of the flag draining ... Thank you so much for your input and approval and understanding of my pain over the world situation!
You are among the rare who cares about the war and the pains of others. Nothing is as simple as we see on TV. Those people there suffer inconceivably for purposes nobody even knows. Thanks for being sensitive and actually showing some action through your art.
Oh Kim, these got me shivering, they are so strong and speak such powerful language of sacrifices. Such great speaking for peace and stopping these and other unnecessary and terrible killing.
Very sad, very powerfull. Keep it up.
I completely agree with the other folks who've commented that your flag draining illustration ought to have more exposure. It is very powerful!
To that end, with credit to you, I've posted it at my Blog. I truly hope this doesn't make you feel uncomfortable but if it does please let me know and I will take it down.
Mark Wade
Thank you all, Of course you can post it Mark, that will be fine ... I always hate to be such a downer with the IF ...
This is very sad :( you've captured it well...
the last one especially, powerful images, Kim, wish they were not necessary :(
Moving words and images, Kim. Truly heartfelt stuff.
These are all great, Kim! If we could only get your images to some world "leaders"!
Mmmmm.....don't you work for MSNBC?!
wow those are fantastic! the bleeding flag is so striking and powerful.
The chaos of the world is very much on my mind these dark days too, and your images are very powerful. The bleeding flag really says it all.
Great job! The flag bleeding is so simple but so strong and powerful. It speaks your mind clearly.
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