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Why do I do art? What drives me to create? What makes me want to pick up a hammer, glue, paint and put something to together? It is built into my DNA to make things and I am trying to figure out why. I have been having this conversation in my head lately. Meggiecat and I agree, that most of my enjoyment comes from the process of figuring it all out. The calculating, thinking, dreaming of the finished project. That is probably why I am not able to do the same process over and over, once I have accomplished my mission, it is time to move on. So that leads me to the question I have with myself, why? Why do I do art if I am not going to sell it? What am I doing with the art I make? Why make the big messes, spend my time off working on it? Why don't I continue to do one process that I have conquered and figured out. These are the thoughts that fill my head the last couple of weeks, especially since I am spending all of my time off working on art now. The house is going to hell, my life is pretty much in a big mess, and I continue to run downstairs at every opportunity, forsaking all else.
With that said, I am so close to having all of my pieces finished. "Buddha prays for Peace" is something I created for a friend of mine, finished! Thank you Tara, for encouraging me and talking me into to using the beeswax. I learned a new technique and it added a new dimension.
Why do you create? Is it the process for you? The idea of making money from something you made? Is it an innate need to create? An "artistic gene" designed into your DNA?
52 weeks of asslemblage art by Jason A. McHenry from Tara.

I think it is simply a compulsion to create - and I think I have come to understand that more by reading other peoples blogs, and realizing that othe people share that same urge to simply make things for the sake of the process - even if the outcome is not entirely satisfying, the urge cannot be resisted.
This piece is so striking. I love all the red.
For me, I think the desire/need/compulsion to create in innate. My mother is an artist. Her mother and sisters are artists. Her father is a gifted carpenter. My dad's sister was an artist. It comes from the roots of the family tree. Some things I make are with the intent to sell and they are rarely my favorites. I make things for the enjoyment of the process, the challenge to figure out how to use this or that in a new way. Of course, I am thrilled when any of it sells, but if it doesn't that's fine too because there are always birthdays, holidays and just-because-days for my family and friends.
Thank you Jackie, it is a strong urge, you are right. And I see that in others blogs, and it is comforting to know that it is not JUST ME. being mad ;)
Amy, yes, I create things all day for work, art, so to speak, but it is different. On so many levels. And giving my art away always seems to be more satisfying somehow.
Melba. That is so funny you mention your children and legacy. I was just talking to my husband about what I had posted. My question of why I am doing this, while we will sitting around in my very messy studio. And he said, "wouldn't you rather your son remember you from the artwork you created than a floor you mopped and a perfectly clean house?" He also said, the house will be here to clean later, create your pieces, for sale, for friends, or just for you to explore while you have this energy surge. The legacy thing, I honestly, had not thought of. And I said, M doesn't notice my art and D said, oh yes he does. So you have something there! Thanks all for your input!
I think that creating is a compulsion that fulfills a need in me. As someone who recently (2 mo.) started to create daily after many years of not, I can tell you that I am a much happier person! It is an outlet for my emotions, and even if it is a negative thing I am mulling over while I draw/knit/paint, the ACT of creating and the PRODUCT that I end up with give me joy. Looking at a piece I made connects me with the emotions and thoughts I felt while doing it.
And I totally agree about the giving vs. selling thing. I have made so many custom cakes that I have loved to give as presents to the recipient, but the ones I was compelled to make, YECCHH! Didn't enjoy the process at all!
And D. sounds like a super guy! My hubby is like that too! And my older son (very logical and mathematical) has surprised me with his sweet admiration, not criticism, of my recent creative spurt!
Love your Buddha box, it's amazing! For me, creating is a need, and art is a place to just BE. A week goes by without me having time to make something, and I feel grumpy and out of sorts like something isn't right. It may also be a gene thing- I grew up smelling oil paints and turpentine, watching my mother paint, and on my brother's calling/business card it says "Creative Services" under his name :o) I almost never sell anything I make, but I give away or trade stuff. If I were to sell anything, I'd have to create it with that in mind, knowing that the finished piece will be sold.
Here is another cool assemblage from artfest-
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