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Studio Friday – Ah Ha Moment
Studio Friday A-Ha Moment, I have had a few. But I the most exciting moment for me happened many years ago. I asked the photo editor at work to help me set up an idea I wanted to photograph for a project, with one of our many photographers to help me. He in turn said his department did not do those custom “styled” photos. At first I was furious that I had been pooh-poohed over my idea of creating some original visual content. I was so determined to try out my idea that I decided to shoot it myself. I wasn't a photographer, but what did I have to lose? I took a book, cut a square in the pages, took some plastic grass and away I went. That was really the beginning of me discovering my ability to photograph what I saw in my head. It was fun, exhilarating. I felt the power of MY vision and determination. I am still not a skilled photographer, but that does not stop me from having fun.
This was not how the final art turned out but it is close to the idea.

This is how it started out. The idea of summer books washing up on the beach in a bottle. So I tried rocks, shells, a real bottle. Also had the idea of putting letters in ice cubes, and having the ice cubes floating around in pink lemonade. That was a disaster.

And this was the mock up.

Liked the idea of the small wheelbarrow, but ended up using just the clump of dirt with flowers, seemed more appropriate, simple.

Something so simple as shooting my books, or running out and catching D racking for a fall clean-up photo. Something I could manipulate instead of always using purchased stock art. And then of course, it all led to shooting my flowers ;)

This is what I would define as a perfect post. It tells me about your creative process. You see, I can copy pretty much anything, but creative juices do not flow artistically for me. This isn't a wah, wah, wah, pity me comment. I love the things I do, but, I know that I am surrounded by some of the most creative people.
I love seeing (reading) how creative ideas flow through people. Thanks!
I, too, love this post. I like the way you take us through all your ideas - ones that worked and ones that didn't. And your photography is very good.
Thanks for visiting my blog today.
wow! the book with the grass is excellent idea!! and looks great...
These are fantastic! Don't know which one I love more but I am partial to the book as I do this often, use them as "frames".
Great Work!
I love the grass springing out of the book! Your creativity, and how it processes through you, is awesome!
Wow! You're such a wonderful communicator in additional to your awesome artist skills! I love reading detailed explanations of the creative process because everyone works so differently and so much can be learned! Thank you for your incredible generosity in sharing your art process!!
You are an awsome photographer, thats what first attracted me to your blog. The grass coming out of the book is pure art!
They are all terrific-I think-but I especially love the ice cubes-the way they are layed out etc.
Great history about your process.
Beautiful! I love it. . the ice cubes! Hilarious! What a perfect ah ha moment. What wonderful ideas!! I am so glad it happened because your photographs are fantastic, inspired and just need to be here for all of us to soak up!
Come back to the P-I! We need your inventiveness!
I really enjoy your posts! I love the grass in the book, what a cute idea.
kim, it's been a looooonnnnggggg time since i've been over to your neck of the woods. i have been missing reading your blog and now I see that i actually missed alot. I'll never get caught up with you. you're too regular to keep track of, girl!
anyway, this is a cool post. I especially like the grass growing out of the book and the clump of dirt with flowering plants. You have the best ideas for graphics/photo-promotions. :-D
p.s. haven't been posting much in the last few weeks to my Raven's Nest blog, but trying to kinda keep-up with posting photos on my photo blog here.
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