I kept calling this a Sundae but it is really a Sorbet Double Peony.
And the Sarah Bernhardt Double Peony, easy to grow and luscious. You can see them all larger by clicking on them. Also my entire peony set on flickr.
But there is no more beautiful sight on a Sunday, my son reading! Not on his on volition, he must read before paintballing today. Everything is a compromise.

I love it when you go on about your peonies. I don't have any here, wish I did, but I'm pretty sure they'd just bake in the heat.
yine çiçekler bir harika.sevgilerle
Peonies! I live vicariously through you! I live in the barren Mojave and the thought of a peonie is amazing! Keep them coming!
I am going back outside to gaze at my stars before the sun comes up and all I have to see are tumble weeds.
well s'mee, I would trade you a night of a sky full of stars and a couple of tumbleweeds sometimes! I miss that landscape.
they look like they're made with sugar!
Oh I could just drown myself in those feathery blossoms too. They are amazing and look FANTASTIC plopping over the sides of vases. Lol with the picture of your son...He doesnt look amused. Heehee.
Such pretty flowers. But I must agree, the best photo is of your son reading. Why does that give such a thrill? Possibly because I know how great books can be!
I love peonies too. Unfortunately the dogwood near mine is blocking the sun and they are now reaching to get sun.
What do you use to stake them-regular stakes with twine or cages?
Karan, he does like it, he is reading DaVinci Code...his last book was so boring, I told him he should read something more exciting, like Stephen King or something....he seems to like it. ;) That makes me happy
colorsonmymind .. Yes, unfortunately, I planted small vine maples near mine for a privacy hedge, that might be doing something weird to them. I have to stake them, with stakes and twine, I also bought some speciality staking (curved) things at the flower show that work really well. but they get more than 3 feet really fast, and this year, I did not stake them quickly enough. oops.
Visual-Voice -- they do look like sugar, sweets for the eyes and senses! You are right!
Your peonies are a delight.
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