I am a 50-year-old mother of a 14-year-old, wife, daughter, friend, artist, graphic designer, photographer of flowers, blogger (a wanna-be crafter, quilter, painter). Always trying to figure out what to do next with my life. I feel the challenge every day to reinvent myself. A little too serious, worry too much, work too much. I love all endeavors I take on, be it cleaning house, shooting a flower, washing my dog, taking my son skate-boarding. I feel I am lucky. Most of the time I feel very young, and sometimes, very old. I see art and design in everything that comes into my vision. I love design. I design logos, t-shirts, posters in my head all the time. Sometimes I have visions, design visions ... and others. I think I have a little ESP in me. I live to decorate my dining room ceiling and have big dinner parties (that I don't cook myself). I enjoy all kinds of music (classical, rap, country), BBC and PBS, anything mystery. I am a workaholic and am not proud of that but it is and has always been my nature. And I am lucky to have a husband who supports me in my efforts to '"find myself", art directs me when I need it, cleans out my purse when my life is feeling out of control.

I admire all of you who participate in SPT. I am not happy with the way I look right now and I do not want to document it any more than I have to!
Your picture this week is great, by the way.
Cool intro and beautiful photo!!
i appreciate reading about you in your intro, and this is how i would gather you from your posts! i especially love the "hanging down" sequence--big fan of lanterns! you are a beautiful and interesting person. i'm glad i got to meet you through our blogs. xo
thank you for sharing this intro. i echo what mati wrote.
wow...i think we might just be kindred spirits. who do you work for? i love your design stuff. i am a graphic desiger as well.
we should talk!
Thank you one and all. Of course I was ONE YEar younger in THIS photo :0 Kelly - I think we are connected, I work for a boring news org on the internet. I used to work for newspapers, Dallas Times Herald, San Francisco Examiner, Seattle PI...I miss the larger format (like an entire page instead of 54 pixels ;)
Nice to meet you, Kim! I think you look just beautiful!!
Hey Kim..You are soooo my kinda Gal!!!!! I feel like you! I don't like the way I look now at 55...it sucks...I still feel and want to look like I did at 30! It really does have its ups and downs!!!(literally) we'll have to collaborate on this some day...I don't know if I would have the energy for a 14 year old! You look fabulous Dahling!!!!
Kimmy... whatever the reason you started, I for one am glad you did. It coincided with me entering blogdom and somehow I linked to you and a soul connection was felt and a world of fun has followed - for me, anyway. ;-)
Here is me channeling Billy Crystal -- 'You loook mahvelous.....' xo
your eyes, the sparkle and laughter contained in them, I am positive you light the rooms you entered. It is nice to meet you too.
It's nice to meet you Kim - I think your portrait is just beautiful and I really enjoyed your great flickr photos (esp. your dining room ceiling!). Thanks for sharing!
such pretty eyes. nice self portrait :)
You are a very old soul housed in the youngest person I know. You are, have always been, and always will be one of the most beautiful people I've ever met. I am honored to call such an exquisite creature my friend. I love you.
Rita, you are makin' me cry now! Love you. Thank Linda!!!! amystery, tracey, mommy zabs, tracy I, hope, michelle, vicci, you all all too kind!
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