Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Blogging Break

I am juggling a bunch of balls in the air right now and I need to concentrate of them. I am taking a little break. I will on email. Will be back soon ;) This is one of my first flowers photos I ever took, that made my a flower-photographing-maniac.


S'mee said...

I just absolutely adore your flower photos. I will miss you while you're gone. Enjoy your break if you can. Hurry back soon.

Colorsonmymind said...

Enjoy your break.

Love your photos.

Gina said...

Great photos! Hurry back!

Anonymous said...

Love this, it is in fact my favorite flower.
Please come back soon. You will be dearly missed.

Amy said...

I love that photo, had it up on my desktop for AGES then little fingers jiggled something and it was gone. I hope all the balls you are currently juggling fall into their rightful places while you are away. You will be missed!!

Shelley Noble said...

Another exquisite flower photo! You are soooo talented! Please come back!