Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fine Art Of Books (And More)

A wonderful friend at work loaned me "The Penland Books of Handmade Books" today. I have thumbed through it at the bookstore before, but ate it up during lunch.

Terry Braunstein

Ruth Laxson

Pamela Spitzmueller

Bonnie Thompson Norman, The Windowpane Press (I was lucky enough to take a class from her, thank you! Chris!)

Tennille Shuster

And then one clicked led to another ...

Popular Kinetics Press

Vamp & Tramp links to miniature book resources

Magnolia Editions fine art studio in Oakland, California ... featuring
Squeak Carnwath and more and Alan Magee.

There is something very soothing about this piece by Shaun O'Dell.

This seems so familiar and quiet and beautiful by Bing Wright.

Daniel Essig sacred geometry ... it is stunning work.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Asian Models

"The blog documents the visibility of Asian models in today's fashion media. Some beautiful images, clothes and models ;).

Love this photo found on I <3 models.

Pink Fluffy Goodness

Spent the day transporting mom to/from day surgery and working from home. After working from home at 4 AM last week, I really have logging in from a distance all down to memory. Managed to nab these close to the hospital parking lot. What joy I have from shooting spring offerings ... if I could do it all day long, do you think I would get tired of it? It often feels like a religious awakening ... definitely a spiritual experience to relish.

pink and fluffy

pink and fluffy

pink and fluffy

very close to perfection

Monday, April 28, 2008

Opening Day

The clematis opened all at once. Stunning.

opening day

opening day!

And they came to watch.

just the two of us

Sunday, April 27, 2008


The door bell rang and I found a little gift left on the front door. It was from m 6-year-old neighbor. I made her a little book tonight of flower photos as a thank you. Isn't that the sweetest? I really love my neighborhood!

pink camilla

Reely Enchanted

Watched "Enchanted" last night. The movie was a good, light-hearted hour or so but the best part was the closing credit art by yU+Co.... "using illustrations, ornamental type, flowering vines that weaves together one iconic image after another". It is truly lovely. Also watch "Bee" movie credits he credited.

Studio Daily blog, Reel FX, Prologue.

10 of the best credit sequences from Laboratory 101.

Is This Your Name?

Etymology for my name:

Origin: English
Meaning: Leader of the Warriors

Origin: (Origin Celtic) 1. Warrior, Soldier [Irish ceathernach (th = h)] 2. Victorious [Irish Cearnach].

And my husband name:

Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Friend, Beloved

Surname:Origin: (Origin Scottish) One who attends a grist-mill. Meillear, Gaelic, having large lips; malair, Gaelic, a merchant; maillor, Gaelic, from maille, armor, and fear, a man--a man in armor, having a coat of mail, a soldier.

My son's

Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Gift of God

Origin: (Origin Scottish) One who attends a grist-mill. Meillear, Gaelic, having large lips; malair, Gaelic, a merchant; maillor, Gaelic, from maille, armor, and fear, a man--a man in armor, having a coat of mail, a soldier.

All meanings found on Is this you name?





Colorwar 2008"s YOUNGME - NOWME, on zefrank's blog ... well you can guess what the challenge is.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Northern Lights

Aurora beautiful photo found on flickr and Aurora (Borealis and Australis) pool

Sigurdur H Stefnisson's northern light photos.

Aurora Web Camera, I will checking often!

Seriously! Wouldn't you love to see this in person!

Jan Curtis, Home of the Northern Lights

Did you know there are auroral sounds? Found at Nordlys Northern Lights

Greg Morgan's sun and moon archive page.

Animating Life

Amazing animation by Adam Gault

Matt Tragesser Soup to Nuts at This Is Network.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Love Always


Roots & Shoots Tableware

"My Love Always" Bracelet by Heather Wynn

Posey Ring by Kathryn Riechert

Small Cars

World's Smallest Cars from Dark Roasted Blend. I love them all!

I saw a Smart For Two car the other day in a parking lot and it was adorable!


Caligrafía Gestual

Daniel Wildberger is very busy and woman dream.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Tough Go Shopping

There is an advantage to getting up at 3:15a to go to work at 4a! Getting to leave work early, getting your hair trimmed (I think I have gone a year) and stopping by your favorite antique store (haven't been there in two years)! Having an early afternoon off work, no traffic has been good this week.

I stopped by Bernie's Antique store in Bothell. A wonderful old man who really knows his stuff in the perfect "junk" store with stuff in boxes to discover ...

I bought a few things today. A 1910 chemistry set.

1910 chemistry set

1910 chemistry set

With all of my woes with Flash last week, I thought this Flash-Aid flashlight was a good purchase.

"flash" aid

Bernie gave me a tablet for free.

please pay this amount

One black shoe.

one small shoe

Some dolls, some with a bad hair day.

you lookin' at me?

hey there

Bette Davis eyes

bad hair hday

My Resource Center

You might find this a boring post ... In my ongoing quest to learn css and flash, I need a place to store all of these fantastic resource sites I find. I will be adding to this always.

CSS Tricks and Tips

Designers Toolbox

Css Zen Garden

Digital Web Magazine

A List Apart

Cascading Style Sheets on

Teach yourself CSS in 10 minutes


Web Video Blogger

Adobe Design Center, video workshops

Adobe Developer Connection

Stemmed Seedpod

stemmed seedpods

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fun Things

This haunting image of a Abandoned library via Jen Bradford.

Go download the Nanibird, especially Linzie Hunters!

Ginny Ballou, another ArtFester.

Sunday Afternoon Tea Party by Jen Bowles design.

Good Use

There is a good use for Twitter after all.

Chinese Spectacular

I would love to see Chinese Spectacular showing at the The Paramount Theatre. Looks luscious.

Monday, April 21, 2008


tsilli via the fabulous follow studio. Daily Gusto

Carl Dern Studio chandeliers and sculptures via the wonderful Daily Poetics.

And last but not least these astounding lighting fixtures by Bahdeebahdu make me want to say WOO HOO, again from Daily Poetics.

Public Radio

Public Radio Fan

A Quiet Moment

I took a moment to visit the backyard while the sun was shining. Cleaning dog poop is always my main concern out there. It was nice to a quiet moment and listen to the birds, smell really fresh air and be in a place for the moment that my life makes sense. Where I am not feeling so badly about myself that I want to go hide under a bed, where my eyes aren't burning from wanting to cry, from trying to do what I think is right, enrolling in classes to learn something new, try to keep up with all the new technology and thinking I am picking some of it up until I need help ... then being made to feel like a complete idiot. I feel like I do not have champion ... that I am walking on a razor's edge alone. I guess I have always felt alone, but right now, I can hear the echo of my own breathing. I feel worthless, tiny and insignificant.



This is so visually exciting. YOOXCOVER! wonderful images created by Atelier Biagetti. Each one is an exotic and wonderful animation! Also visit Backstage.


I want this font.

63 Grunge Fonts the Outlaw Design Blog says are must haves.

Beard alphabet by Tim Yarzhombeck.

"Tulip Tree" Magnolia

These are blooming all over the place. On the way home from work last night I discovered one at a house being demolished so I helped myself to a branch. Now the weird thing is ... once in the warmth of the house they opened up completely. We never see them open up like that on the tree because it doesn't get that warm this time of the year.

Tulip Tree magnolia

Tulip Tree magnolia

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Forever Young

My S-I-L made me cry today. She sent me this great video. It is the best. Young@Heart a group of O.A.P.'s sing rock'n'roll and here is their story.


Before I head out the door to work, my wonderful neighbor brought me a handfull of
Trilliums, that are blooming despite the snow flurries!



Did you ever see Alan Alda's Four Seasons? I am constantly reminding myself of two characters in the movie. The wife played by Sandy Dennis, divorced by her husband who later marries a younger woman, she spends three years shooting one vegetable ... not "vegetables", but one. Sometimes while looking through the lens at flowers ... I think, "am I turning into the woman?" And the second character that crops up in my head often is Danny, the dentist who is always going on about growing old, that he can feel, hear and smell his body decaying....yes, Danny. I totally understand you now.

Britannica Online

Britannica Widgets are here and Britannica is twittering. They have announced Free Access to Encyclopædia Britannica Online for Online Publishers via c|net News.

Let's Swing

Grandma alert.

M's played in the annual Jazz Band Swing night. It is so fun to see all the kids all dressed up swing dancing in force. D always does such a great job on all the band's printed material, he is such a great designer.

Let's Swing

swing band night

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Victims & Avengers

Victims & Avengers via my pal from across the pond.

April Snowstorm

I drove home in a near blinding snow storm last night. Bizarre! Watching the snow melt.

one stem

Friday, April 18, 2008

Melody Gardot

My husband is listening to and telling me the amazing story about jazz singer and song writer Melody Gardot. Go have a listen to "Worrisome Heart". Her site, her flickr, myspace.

The Drachen Foundation

Heard about this on tonight on my drive home, The Drachen Foundation is a non-profit educational corporation, established in 1995 and devoted to the increase and dissemination of knowledge about kites worldwide. It takes its name from the German "Drachen," which means "kite" or "dragon."

A Little Gift

This week has been so intense for me, with CSS classes after work and a big project due on Friday. Still rather tired from ArtFest, which I still haven't unpacked my clothes or make up. So when I got home from class tonight, mom had left me a little gift in a vase.

I did get to talk to Kelly last weekend about all things fun and useful. That made my day. You know you get that wonderful feeling when you talk to someone and hang up the phone thinking "I am not the only one!" Michelle and I are playing cell-phone tag! Tara told me about her new handbags she is painting and we talked about going to Art & Soul in Portland.

gift from mom

gift from mom

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pinhole Cameras

In case you missed it in your Photojojo email alert today, mother lode of pinhole cameras that you make yourself from Corbis via Photojojo.

Fabulous Garlands

Fabulous garlands by Sophie Cuvelier.

All kinds of wonderful things at La Fille du Consul, my favorite would be the chocolate covered strawberry necklace!

This wonderful jellyfish lighting and much much more over at Géraldine Gonzalez via Emma Cassi, another beautiful blog!

Saffron and Genevieve

Fabulous and French

Chez Fifi

Cool Websites

Time's 2007 list of 50 coolest websites.

The Museum of online museums

Thirty years of Granta covers all via Coudal Partners.

Flowers And Leaves

Flowers-on-the-Wind Wall Stickers and all kinds of neat things to stick on your wall.

These wonderful magnetic leaves! via SwissMiss.


Darn! I forgot to sign up for Kristi Zevenbergen's Jewelry Creations this spring quarter! I couldn't have gone anyway ... too much going on at work, but maybe she will have a class in the summer!

I just got to my CSS class 10 minutes early, a good thing as I was late on Tuesday. I thoroughly enjoy Peggy Merrill, who is teaching this class.

So many classes and so little time.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hip To Be Square

My M-I-L sent me this clip about International Quilt Study Center & Museum at the University of Nebraska.

"The International Quilt Study Center & Museum is many things: a treasure house of quilts spanning centuries from around the world; a unique academic program and resource attracting scholars from far and wide;a connection point for quilt enthusiasts of all sorts; a world class museum with state of the art exhibitions, digital galleries and stunning architecture. In this section you will find detailed information about the history of the Center and the people who have shared their love of and fascination with the world of quilts and quiltmaking."

Thanks Peggy! Maybe we need a road trip! ;)

Love in blooms

Mom asked me about the Red Charm peony that ran in the Rocky Mountain News tonight, and I looked it up on their website -- Love in blooms. It looks really blurry and I sent her what I thought was a good, solid copy!

And my entry for today's macro will be the moss I saw on a tree. Large view here.


And more ranunculus ... even a macro for consideration for my challenge.

pretty petals

juicy center

Big Orange

Quickly this morning, stopped and smelled the roses before I am off to work.



Cinema Redux

Brendan Dawes has come up with another way of representing an entire film in one print.

Birch Forest One

I really, really love Lisa Congdon's birch forest one.

Monday, April 14, 2008

True Living Project

Sabrina Ward Harrison’s True Living Project via Jen Lemen.

Working Dollars

John Sutherland's Working Dollars, animated explanation of how the stock market works, told through the story of an Everyman named Mr. Finchley and lots more via the always amazing Meggiecat ... calling you tomorrow!

Walt Whitman

Watched the end of an beautiful piece on Walt Whitman on American Experience tonight (while plugged into my online Flash Class).

Whitman's Cardboard Butterfly: found on Poet at Work , The Library of Congress.

Whitman's "Hospital" Notebook, notes from his time working in the hospitals during the Cival War and many more of his personal notebooks filled with work.

This And That

Pop-up graphics on disposable paper placemats, can't remember where I found these.

It's Nice That

DIY - Recycled light bulb hanging vases on Design^Sprout.

three sheets 2 the wind

Font Game

The Rather Difficult Font Game.

Words are pictures.

Low tech color calendar and Dropclock. Architectradure's Blogs of inspiration


Macro Challenge 4.14

30 Day Macro Challenge, stamen ... looking at you.

pink stamen lookin' at you

Laying down on the job.

laying down on the job

Sunday, April 13, 2008


My friend with exquisite taste sent me this, Current Carpets. I told her to buy one so I could see it in person! She is my evil-shopping-temptress ... always finding things that I can't live without! Or one of these by ruby lounge.

Rose Cumming

Rose Cumming's exquisite bedroom with mirrored bed.

Peonies On Canvas + Chair

Peonies by William Merritt Chase over at Tealan, Interior Design Resource. Paired with this chair found on All Things Bright and Beautiful. (More images here).

Andrea Schreiber's Matroschka in a snow globe, all goodness via Liquid Sky Arts.

El Sistema

Mom and I just watched 60 Minutes --- El Sistema: Changing Lives Through Music. Musical program teaching thousands of low income children in Venezuela classical music and changing their lives. Both us smiling and crying at the same time. What a great opportunity for kids. Wish we could maintain something like this in the U.S. Do yourself a favor and watch the segment if you missed it tonight.

Ron Pippin

Ron Pippin, fabulous work! And where do you get all of those interesting items?

Junky Living Space

I don't know whether to be insulted or worried because someone from flickr has found out my secret, when they invited me to join: My junky messed up living space.

A Sunny Day

Sunshine and no rain on Saturday meant a-must-to-do chore - to start the spring cleaning of the backyard. Starting with the hydrangeas which I had someone prune down a third. At closer inspection, I say they did a terrible job last fall. I pruned out dead wood and tidied them up a little. Sorry to say, I fear not many mopheads this summer. Crawling around on my stomach under the hydrangeas, through decaying leaves searching for the source of those nasty morning glories that took over the grapes and hydrangeas last year. I scratched my nose with a very muddy finger and thought, there is nothing more wonderful than the smell of wet dirt. I found this seed pod from the tree covered in spores and tried to capture it for the 30 Day Macro Challenge the idea of the very visually entertaining Orange Flower.


A larger view.

I found long forgotten primroses hidden under the leaves, half eaten by slugs. They have been out there for many years. Originally they were double but looks like they are reverting back to a single variety. Surprised to see them at all.


Found one small hydrangea petal skeleton. How do they survive unharmed among all of those leaves! Will offer this up as my 4/12 macro shot.

one petal

A little ball of fern.

ball of fern

And with all that crawling and cutting and looking at spores, my allergies are going crazy.

Last night we were invited to a cookout across the street. On the grill - Halibut marinated in Tequila, white wine and cilantro, BBQ chicken, roast carrots, lots of wine, good friends, laughter. The smell of many mowed yards on this day lingered in the air. A wonderful ending to the perfect sunny day.