I received a lovely email from Dorian today, her blog, Uncommon Ephemera. Thank you so much!
I have been away from surfing the internet that long or has there been the biggest explosion of blogs ever? From Dorian's blog I clicked link after link. Most blogs I had seen before, but there does feel like a million new blogs have appeared in a couple of years. Is there a count on how many blogs are on the internet? I would love to know that number.
Okay, this answers my question about why I feel so overwhelmed. The count in 2005 (God knows how many are in 2007 -- number can't be calculated, too many) was 70 millions blogs! via BlogHerald, a resource dedicated to blogging news. To think anyone can even find my little blog in the 70+ million seems impossible ;)
And here is the kick. They are not just blogs ... it seems each and every blog is sports such delightful eye candy and filled to the brim with talent that you want to visit each one everyday! Anyway, here are just a few blogs and sites I have or have not stumbled upon before. So to add to my all ready bloated de.icio.us links .... ;)
Cathy Penton Design Shoppe
Miss Maddies
Pie Cake Primitives
Chez Fifi
Lara Berch Tutorials
Gracious Hospitality
Photo Hunt
Debbie Schramer at Beautiful Art blog and you know I would die for this chair (to go with my neglected chair collection.
Kevin Red-Star has a big buffalo I would love to own.
left behind
2 hours ago
Geez, Kim,
You found blogs that I haven't visited either! You could spend hours (and I have) cruising through all of the wondrous sights/sites out there. As a result, it is very hard to get anything else done. So many blogs...so little time!
Thank you for mentioning "Gracious Hospitality"! I'm so glad to meet you and will add "Something to Say" to my blogroll.
Enjoy a lovely day!
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