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Target: Good Design
Thanks to Kathleen’s post about Tord Boontje at Target, I left the very dark place I have been in all week and stopped off at Target on my way home from work last night. I am so glad I did. An hour of mindless wondering in the Christmas section did me a world of good. The store displays are worth the visit alone. Thank you, Target for having the design wit to hire Tord and lighten/brighten up your stores with a delicate whimsy that made me want to walk around and just look at the displays! I did finally find the garlands, hidden in the Christmas promotional section, along with the party paper plates and paper napkins.

So in my dark place there is no time to think of fun things. Only work, personal duties, house fallilng apart are filling my thoughts right now. Disappointment in myself, depression, anxiety, anger, envy. Not driving home thinking of what fun thing I can seek out in my house to shoot for Beautiful Sunday or what I should design for our Christmas card. Only I need to get this project done, get the roofing people in, make appointments here and there, get this and that done. There is no WHIMSY in my head! I hate that. So I left Target feeling better, with some fun ideas sprouting up there where the darkness had taken over.
Aren't the garlands lovely? I'm ready for Christmas already too, can hardly wait!
I'm sorry you're feeling so blech lately and having to worry about so many unfun things. Yeah for crisp white reindeer garlands to lighten your spirits!
I'm sure the coming year would bring a world of happiness for you nad your family and all ur hardwork would bear fruits...would love to visit Target..thanx for the information..meanwhile you can also peep into my Holiday Blog for some out of the box ideas and some cool stuffs...
I'm so glad you described your funk and then *lifting*. I didn't know pressures built up like that for anyone else! So glad you found a little brightening over at Tarjét!
All the best for your holiday season, Kim and her loved ones!
Sometimes it's just a little remark, a little object, a beutiful song on the radio that can make you realise it is able to enjoy again and that these afwul periods will end.
I enjoy your blog from the other side of the world, to me it can help lighten up my morning, when the skies of Flanders are grey again.The illustrations and photo's are wonderful.Thank you for sharing.
Kimmy... hope you're feeling a little brighter today. Sending you bright wishes... :) know that you are always a joy.
I've been feeling similarly funky lately, too. I've been hearing so much sbout Tord and Target, I decided to rebel and stop in to see what Martha had cooking at the big K. I, too, spent an hour, petting the pretty things and getting in a better- more holiday centric mood. My official theme for this year is now focused on "The Tree" and Friends in the Forest.
The blog world is now divided by those with tord garland and those without. Kinda funny how much of a crowd pleaser they are.
Thanks everyone! I am much better today, JUST got someone here that actually acted like they knew what they were doing while trying to fix the leak.
The decorations look amazing, I wish we had a Target closer to us. I do really miss it. I'm so happy to hear it gave you a well needed lift!
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