" I am not thinking of connections one might feel to other "great artists" of the past or inspiring, high-profile contemporaries, but the connections that help keep you happy in the studio. Artist friends you get together with for critiques or just coffee and supportive conversation. For instance I am in a group of four women who get together for all of that, plus find venues to occasionally show together, and we encourage each other in every possible way. Maybe you are part of a class or group that gets together to try out new techniques once a month. Or do you have a beloved teacher you still talk with on occasion who helps you feel connected to and strengthened by your past. Isolation can cause fear and despondency: the artist alone in the ivory tower is often the one who commits suicide or stops working! We are all interconnected and honoring and recognizing that is an immense comfort and inspiration and source of strength for me, and I am sure for others too."
~ Nancy Bea
I am lucky to feel connection with many of my blogging buddies, Kathy, Paula, Maureen, Liz, Sherry, Tara. Those are just a few I have met in person. So many others that I have connected with on a personal level via email, phones calls, ArtFest. I have a great connections with friends and food. But I need more physical connections, I resist it but love it when it happens.
I guess in some ways we are connected to our "other personalities" that are inside like Russian nesting dolls. Very "Three Faces of Eve" (or "Sybil" hee hee).
Love your artwork! As Molly says, nesting dolls come to mind. I had not thought about the connections deep within ourselves, a whole other level of meaning. Wow. You Studio Friday folks are DEEP!
Fantastic artwork! Simple, yet meaningful. Lovely.
I enjoy both, internet and physical connections with my friends, family, both so important!
Thanks guys! Molly -- I am feeling a little like "Sybil" today LOL
I balk/resist the physical aspect of togetherness, too, but, like you, know I need it. I love the looseness of the self-portrait you've done here!
wonderful illustration. I thought of many connections, but not of that to my inner self or history, which is what your image evokes for me. love it. thanks
nice picture!
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