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Mom picked a few camillas today. Brilliant color, sturdy petals, it is sad they don't stay in bloom for very long.

Chihuahuas are the cutest, meanest, smartest little dogs. (Pica: an equivalent unit of composition measurement used in determining the dimensions of lines, illustrations, or printed page, a small measurement).
A quiet day and very simple table setting. I set the table with a set I bought from Crate & Barrel last summer, teal, chartreuse, blue - charger, dinner, salad, bowl, all square, all great. I love this set and have only used it twice. (I also set Christmas table with a sparkly table runner in blues, greens, teals, sequins, beads, that I found at Target ON SALE that a totally match with the colors of that set). Did I forget to photograph that? We did not get around to coloring eggs until Sunday morning. What happened to my commitment of being on top of events in 2005, it is all ready all gone to hell and it is only March. Can't get eggs done early, birthday presents purchased, 2004 Christmas late gifts in the mail.

And Scooter waiting for his little bit to fall on the floor.
I hope you guys in California are running, not walking to see this phenomenon, the desert blooming. I would love to see the rare Desert Five-spot. I want to see it for myself. If you go, take pictures and share! And if you can't go, here is what you are missing.
Heard this on NPR this morning on the way to work, sounds interesting. Amy Rosenthal's 'Encyclopedia' book about little things in life.
I was searching something and ran across Crafters Coast to Coast again. I don't ever watch it, but here are a couple of cool things I found there.
Sardine Can Chest (my husband wants to make this, and you could make it out of all kinds of things, matchbox boxes?)
Photogami Flowers from Alicia Herman. Here is a closeup the finished project. Just think of all the scrap paper around the house (like my Vanity Fairs, Sports Illustrated) that could come in handy for these.
Paper Purses Pendants by Sandra McCall looks like something I could make. Note to self: Start watching.
We can't create anything more fascinating and more beautiful than nature has to offer. Look at this Cauliflower by Alfredo Matacotta. And these flower from the garden by Philip Greenspun.
But get even closer. Simple fruit fly that up close and personal looks like one of those Senators in 'Star Wars' officiating at the Corporate Alliance. Or this creature. You must go to this gallery of eyeofscience site full of Botany, Fungus, Zoology and Bacteria. Utterly beautiful images. Calendars Lifesciences 2005 can be seen here.
I used my own little scanned in goodies to make my friend Ruth her own little Thank You card.
I just found my home away from home option in New York. And of course, you are all invited to visit! Or I maybe this place in San Francisco, if someone forced me. Okay, you twisted my arm, I would live in this little space in Philadelphia.
Watch this Fast Film, you will not regret it.
MeggieCat had a great idea about sharing images. And others are leaving image links in her comments, go have a look. I have scanned in a few good ones for you and dropped at ImageShack, click on the image below to get there.

Look at these mind blowing, eye-popping kaleidoscope screen savers from They are totally worth downloading!. KrazyDad also has a color picker here. And here is the genius behind it. His little checker flash cheap is pretty fun too.
I remember watching a program on PBS about Mandala and being mesmerized. You can read here more about The Mandala Pattern. Gallery of all kinds of Mandala submitted by viewers.
The traditional Mandala is a complex design that is used in religious practices for meditation or contemplation. What I remember about them is they are infinite, never ending design, building on itself. More Fractal Mandala images. Is this why I like making those font wreaths? Except unlike the theory of the Mandala, the wreaths are finite. Now that you are totally fascinated, you can read this tutorial on how to make one from
Home Portfolio is a neat site for new ideas in decorating.
Shusi Style plates
I really like the table found here at John Houshmand Urban Organic
New England Modern
Corner Crib is a good space-saving idea.
I first saw Julie's work when she did the Seattle International Children's Festival and have been smitten ever since. Looks like she is translating some of her into jewelry and tarot cards (and books of course.)
Received this in email today from my step-mother. Having just celebrated my 49th birthday, I feel a connection with her words.
In April, Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah on her 70+ birthday. Oprah asked her what she thought of growing older. And, there on television, she said it was "exciting." Regarding body changes, she said there were many, occurring every her breasts. They seem to be in a race to see which will reach her waist, first. The audience laughed so hard they cried. She is such a simple and honest woman, with so much wisdom in her words!
Maya Angelou said this: "I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow." "I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights." "I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life." "I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as "making a life." "I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance." "I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back." "I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision." "I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one." "I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone.
People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back." "I've learned that I still have a lot to learn." "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
You can not tell me that someone who knew this child did not know he was in serious trouble. Look at his circumstance, and most could guess he would need some counseling, encouragement, to be watched closely. Having big discussion with my co-workers about who should/could/would check in on kids in need. And did anyone at his school not know he needed some help. Sad and depressing. We have been looking over his blog at work and it is just sad. Below text from his blog:
"So fucking naive man, so fucking naive.
Always expecting change when I know nothing ever changes.
I've seen mothers choose their man over their own flesh and blood, I've seen others choose alocohol over friendship.
I sacrifice no more for others, part of me has fucking died and I hate this shit.
I'm living every mans nightmare and that single fact alone is kicking my ass, I really must be fucking worthless. This place never changes, it never will. Fuck it all."
Heard this tonight on NPR. Ask the Animals: Songs to Make Dogs Happy. I am not sure I am going to buy one for my pooch, but YOU might want to. Hysterical.
Speaking of bloom, this the floral series of plates and bowls. Found on site. His illustrations are wonderful, especially the dogs.
I want make something like this when I grow up!
I ran across this wonderful site title Home Sweet Home project from sweetstar and it looks like they are visiting New York now. These wonderful characters below -- JAPAN GARDEN FUJI GIRL are just delicious. And this painted house installation, INNOCY'S HOUSE by Shintaro Miyake -- at Tomio Koyama Gallery.

This will explain Innocy, the monster and his house.
I like Girl With Gun or Patsy Cline , oh heck, I want all of them.
They also do these Annie Oakley commission pieces. Women of the West. Love them.
Illustration Friday this week is Bloom. All the trees are in blossom here in Seattle. The wind blows the little petals around like snow and it is magical. A beautiful time of the year.
I have received some wonderful invitations/save the dates. And of course, I don't throw them away. I keep all, as mailed, with all elements.
Save the date.

My friend, Katie used a leaf, oak tree as her art element for her fall wedding. A tree she created was used on all of her favors. The colors were perfect.

Chi, printed back and front of velum. Tied up all elements with a red thread and rice paper, used a little piece of torn red paper on the back of the envelope in lieu of a seal, and mailed it all in a beautiful vellum envelope. It was stunning!

Invitation was printed on both sides of vellum, this is a flower image only on the back, invitation and text on the front. The flower printed on back shown through the text.

They chose the road image. That went with the lyrics of the song that we used for inspiration "The Broken Road". My brother has taken a couple of wrong turns in his life, and we thought it would be appropriate for those who know him, and a symbol of choosing a different road for his future.
As luck should have it, have had many dinner parties to attend the last couple of weeks. All other spare time working on cards, hanging out at Kinkos, thinking about what I should have done. All projects are like that, once done. Oh, I should have done this, that. But Mom and I are mailing tomorrow, no matter what has been forgotten. My fun addition was a little 'ticket' to the wedding which included the rsvp and a little "special wish" end of the ticket. I scored the ticket and ask that folks write a special wish for the couple and give it to them. My mom leaves for Texas/Oklahoma in a week, leaving me here to try and remember where the skillet is stored in the kitchen, and how to separate laundry. I really hate it when she takes off for holiday. But she deserves to get away from us!

Move over Lenny, I will jump in a bath full of read paint any day with you!
Romance Novels from The Wonderful World of Longmire. Read 'em and weep.
I think I need some of these web design spiral bound Browser Books by VisaBone. Easy reference.
I do like this necklace by Gabriela Artigas, 2003 from
Interactive book by Brendan Monroe.
Veer has a new wallpapers with the seamstress and artist in mind.
Blyth Toll, a Melbourne artist, has OCKD (obessive compulsive knitting disorder) and has created a giant scarf of endless knitting.
I can not decide whether to join Flickr for the year. I just realized they only archive 100 images, so many are now not available to me. Well, they can't store them all I guess, and they need to be a viable business. Still thinking. But in the meantime, after finally doing a little reading on their site, made my own Flickr address: Something To See - get it ;). I really should keep up with this stuff more carefully, but honestly, I can barely keep up with my email and the maintenance (or lack of) of my own computer, printer, scanner, zip disk, etc. At present, my cd drawer will not open, all ready took it in for problem some months ago, which means I can not burn cd's to get all of those photos to another storage. Am thinking about an additional 500 gig external hard drive. Dreaming of another computer, printer, and dvd burner, all in my thoughts.
Peonies lovely in their going as they are in their bloom. Taken last year. I think I all ready posted this picture (can't find it). But if I did, it is lovely enough to post again.
The last decent picture I had taken.
I found these in my archives. Did this logo for my beautiful, wonderful, generous friend, Christina at I did a couple of versions. This is not the one that ended up on her site. I liked all of them! Isn't it funny how we forget most of the stuff we do? I should dig through my archive photos more often. She also opened ConfettiFlowers site, quite the business woman.

The bride and groom cake top was a little too traditional for my brother and future s-i-l. So I am taking one more stab at it before we print -- TOMORROW. The idea from a song "The Broken Road" we decided that would be good for them. Now I am trying a road image. Did not find too many today that really hit me, this was the only one out of many I looked through. Decided to stay with that shape. Might create a new one tomorrow just to try it out. Too busy at work today to do too much. Didn't want to get too 'frilly' with the type, that is just not them. But I have a tendency to do that. I just want them to be happy with it. I also think I will burn a CD with that song, of course, and more of their favorites for favors. Will need to start on that day after tomorrow. I always work well under tight deadlines.

Also did another test version, the inspiration of a little ticket I have stashed away, "three wishes". A small accordian fold of three wishes, the last one being "we wish you could come to our wedding". This idea with the help of my pal Greg Perez, a genius designer I worked with. I think it needs to be more than 4 folds to work, on 8.5 x 14 would be good. It just seem to fall a little flat once roughed out.
These are meant to be folded of course, so the right side of image would be the front of card.

Vintage lucite rings from the carrotbox.
This is my brother's very unconventional wedding invitation. Tomorrow, it prints. I had an entirely different idea when I started this a couple of days ago. I wanted to do a small, 8 page, journal-type invitation. With the idea, that they were writing a new chapter in their lives. A new page. I have all the elements scanned in for it, but just running out of time. So now I am simplifying. I will still make the journal just for myself. Here the outside of card, and the inside.
Another antique illustration I found today. I always liked this one. Created in Adobe Illustrator 3.0, back when the freehand drawing tool was much easier to use.
Illustration Friday this week is Fragile. I cheated! I am so busy, I repurposed some old art. Boo on me. I have not had good experiences with movers getting the full meaning of "fragile" printed on a box.
I found this little guy I did many many moons ago.
Grab a blanket and watch this sand animation a friend sent to me. Unbelievable.
Pretty soon stores will start charging for those little Paint Chips! is selling some cards here.
I wouldn't know which one I would buy, there are so many good new fabrics at Marimekko.
Love these rings and these bowls from Dinosaur Designs. Also the tutu in special projects is charming.
Fun colors, fun beads and large. That is rather my style. Jewelry from Laurel Clark Designs.
I have cleaning out my inbox of cool stuff I find and email to myself. I found these embroidery patterns of Elizabethan Blackwork. Thank you Paula Katherine Marmor.
A site promoting resorts owned by Francis Ford Coppola. The resorts are beautiful, but the flash presentation is wonderfully done in journal book imagery. Explore each book and each category.
Ron Curtis art furniture.
John Eric Byers Sitting Dresser.
Peter Stefferson "Serendipity" (fantasy chair) "Chair for my "Inner Child".
A bunch of fun chairs from Meredith gallery.
A bench for two from Nanna Ditzel Design.
I hardly ever watch HGTV, my loss. Today I happened upon 'Crafters Coast to Coast'. Did not actually WATCH this segment on Felted Scarf, but my mom did, and said it was very interesting. Look how Maggie Kleinpete does it. Maybe one of you crafty lot should submit your name!
Deidre Oringer was also featured creating a wonderful sterling silver heart bracelet.
Anna Johansson making scrap metal roosters. I love these.