More snowflake patterns, templates and all out fun at papersnowflakes, more here, and Frosty Mini Snowflakes.
And some additions: This is such a great site, Guide to Snowflakes with a classification chart. More inspirational instructions here and these are worth checking out here.
These are a must see, wonderful snowflake photography from Mark Cassino. Amazing snowflake imagery from Wilson Bentley.
Montessori World has some nice design and a great "cut" tree. And a good folding directions here with some patterns.
Lots-o-Crochet Snowflakes with patterns. Fractal Snowflake Generator from a-i-studio.
I must have these - Firelit Flakes, snowflake nesting buckets from uncommon goods.

I'm with la vie, I'd love to do something like in the movie Elf. There just never seems to be enough time. I think I'm gonna start around Halloween like the stores, but I always feel so bad for the turkey, like we're ignoring THanksgiving or something. Joaquin and I did make some last year to put on packages. Everyone loved that.
I totally agree with the time aspect. I feel the pressure to make somethign I WANT to do, and clean house and ready the house for the holidays. I am totally feeling that now. I DO have a big advantage, my mom lives with me and she does lots of my running around, cooking, etc. So don't feel bad, if I had to cook dinner and do the laundry, there would probably be NO christmas decoration at all! And if my didn't cook the Turkey, I promise we would be dining OUT. LOL
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