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Self-Portrait Tuesday 01.31
My personal history is scattered, crazy, sad, wild, fun. I have been many people in my life. This one would be the wild-child in college and beyond. Me in the orange with two best buddies, Brady and Janice in a little West Texas town, Snyder. We were wild, crazy, unpredictable, out of control. I found those jeans at an abandoned house during a party, wore them all semester without washing until my friends got so tired of seeing me in them, they held me down and ripped them to shreds.

Scuba diver in Florida, sailing in the Virgin Islands. The person snapping the picture was my deepest love. He broke my heart and left me to die.

The crazy, live-for-the-moment, girl-out-of-control vanished and in her place surfaced a mom. A role that has made me better, more patient, more loving, more thankful, more understanding, not mention fatter and more tired.

I don't know if I will be showing my warts and all in February. I thought I had taken all the bad pictures I could all ready take of myself!
Kim - I've been meaning to write you since I first starting visiting your blog about a year ago but your comment about being a mother sealed the deal - that's IT! I'm a much better person though fatter and more tired. I didn't want to be a mother till I was in my late 30s and it's killed me and brought me to life at the same time. There's times I think you and I are separated at birth (I even think we look alike) - you being a slightly older sister with skads more creative talent.
Keep it up sistah - I enjoy visiting every day!
Penny B.
At first I thought that I.D. card said
"Creativity Card" rather than Activity Card.
So, it's early and I visit with only a half a cup of coffee under my belt. It should have been a creativity I.D. even then.
Thank you guys.
That card should have read THE ROWDY BUNCH
Thank you Penny-sistah-brooks! Isn't it great and scary when there is someone out there that has so much of your same history! It is a small world, and that comforts me somehow. Anyway, thank you for reading and commenting. It means alot to me. ;)
It's my pleasure! Maybe some day all this creativity I surf through and am surrounded by (I've worked with terribly talented designers doing production for over 20 years) will start a spark in me and I can let it flow instead of it being stuck in this momma/wife/pal/co-worker person that I am today.
Here's hopin' - Penny
You are-and always have been-the most gorgeous person inside and out. Who you have been at every age has merely been facets of the same lovely nurturing woman I so admire.
Wow, what a montage for the heart!
Being through most of those times with you, except the the early college period, it brings back so many memories, of fun; heartbreak, projects, papers, you moving away, and the letters I got from you, and phone calls about new beaus, and places you lived.
My heart feels the memory of every one of them at this instant as I view these photos.
Bam, says Batman, got me right in the ole' heart! has been your saving grace! That pic of you and matt says it all!
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