Illustration Friday challenge is glamour. I see of an eyelash shadow cast upon a cheek, the shimmer of eye shadow, painted lips, fabulous satin dresses cut on the bias. Carol Lombard, the epitome of glamour. Norma Shearer - this one being my favorite. Greta Garbo - glamourous, but she always felt a little too hard-edged for me. I think Gene Tierney was more beautiful than glamourous. All glamour shots of the '20's, '30's and '40's. I think Jerry Hall has all the ingredients of perfect glamour, hair, lips, legs. And not to leave out Audrey Hepburn ... in the most glamourous gowns in any movie! I love these Chinese advertisement paintings Xie Zhiguang, glamourous!
Detlef asked an excellent question. Can men be glamourous? I say absolutely, number one on my list would be Cary Grant! Clark Gable! Ralph Fiennes! Fred Aistaire!
Click on image for a much larger view. Wireframe view of illustration done in Adobe Illustrator, using photo as my guide.

I had to add this one, I was playing around and it looked glamourous!

Wow! what a look. Great stuff!
Oh, my! This is fabulously glamourous!
oh yes! You have it down!!! I love your image and the text and all the glamour links. Thanks.
Definitely, so elegant and glamourous~her eyes and eyelashes says it all.
-Marjorie Ann
Quite glamourous! Well done!
Yep, this captures glamour. Does raise the question whether glamour is just peculiar to chic women, or whether men can be glamourous as well...and if so who are examples.
Oh, I think for sure men can be glamourous! Cary Grant the first! Ralph Fiennes on the list. Sean Connery! forever on the list! Of course, Carol Lombard's husband, Clark Gable!
she's a stunner!...beautiful :)
love how you did the hair and the collar.
ralph (and joseph) fiennes -on my list also
Once again your illustrations amaze me. You've captured her eyes perfectly and the glow about the hair really adds to the loveliness.
A little birdie dropped something on my door step this past weekend. :) You are so very, very, kind. I cannot thank you enough. Well, perhaps a BIT more...on my Blog. :) Just follow the hydrangea petals...
Wonderful glamour - but so much work and very expensive keeping up with the glamorous :) You have managed well and swooned when you mentioned Sean Connery :)
Hypnotizing image. It's a lot of Marlene Dietrich glamour, Blue Angel with new colours. You have done great work.
So glamorous and there is obvious that more of us think of women as glam. Very nicely done!
You did a fabulous job with this've captured those eyes magnificently! I like that you showed the intial sketch...I enjoy seeing the process different artists use. Great glam list too...Jerry Hall was my role model for glamour when I was a young gal and I still think she's gorgeous...and we've both held onto our long hair through all the longs and shorts of hair fashion.
You did a fabulous job with this've captured those eyes magnificently! I like that you showed the initial sketch...I enjoy seeing the process different artists use. Great glam list too...Jerry Hall was my role model for glamour when I was a young gal and I still think she's gorgeous...and we've both held onto our long hair through all the longs and shorts of hair fashion.
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