Friday, August 30, 2024

Yesterday, I was just about to post this when all hell broke lose. Remy bit Pixie and with her screaming and bleeding ... lots of blood. Bri and I freaked, thought maybe an artery was hit. So we gathered her up with a big towel and off to the emergency we ran. Many hours later, and a couple of stitches we got home pretty late. Remy has never done anything like this before. You can tell she feels terrible. We had just given the two big dogs some pig ears and think that Remy was protecting it. Lesson learned. No treats without some close monitoring. Pixie is fine, looping from drugs.

Having lots of political discussions with the kids of late. My son tends more redneck in flavor so they can be interesting and full of vulgar language LOL. But I am very excited about the elections, stayed glued to the conventions and feel very optimistic. I laughed, or giggled, every time I read the headline "trump indicted". Makes me so happy. Yes, all of us should be standing out on the street corner holding this sign. Of course, my kids would have me committed. 


trump is sounding crazier by the day and needs to be carted off in a wagon with men in white jackets. His Truth Social (what an ironic name) is really filling up with untruths that have a decidedly scared vibe to them. 

My desire is to NEVER have to hear him again, IN MY LIFETIME spout off some bullshit. I keep asking HOW DID WE GET HERE? I got an ominous feeling watching that scene from Back to the Future ... when Marty is asked about how an actor had ended up president? Remember that scene? I mean I laughed, but I got chills and NOT the good kind.

Dr. Phil should be ashamed and embarrassed. I hope NO ONE watches his pathetic show again. Have not watched him in many years. I have a friend who photographs them and the stories I hear about privilege makes me sick. Then his sons made worked hard to make their fame and fortunes (not) because they came from fame and fortune. Same as his wife, "bestselling author" and podcast host, I mean what are her credentials besides sitting in phil's audience in her Jimmy Choo shoes to escort him off stage after every show? I know I sound sour grapes. So sorry about that.


Summer is winding down. I feel the chill in the air. We still have the occasional sunny day, where the sun literally feels like it sparkles. Matt is still working on deck so the backyard is really a mess. I really need to sit in the sun today!

I fly to Sun Valley early Sunday morning to drive back with my friend to Seattle on Monday. Even though I really can't drive right now. I am really hoping not to get Covid packed into an airplane. This is the main reason I  don't want to fly anymore. I will wear a mask. I have cataract surgery coming up very soon and I don't want to miss it!

A random observation: we have ONE cabbage butterfly in the back yard every summer. I have never seen two of them. It makes me happy to see, but sad because it feels so lonely! Just one? How can that be?

Bri just brought me home treats from Nordstrom's Rack, a large white peony candle and Body Oil Light Sesame Formula Neutrogena. I am very spoiled.

Craig & Karl are weird, whacky, wonderful, whimsical artists.  And their Instagram.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Scam or two and some art

Needless to say, I have enthralled with the current politic change and upheaval. Elon is an asshole and donald to scared. The joy happening right now is wonderful. And I have not felt this uplifted in years.

Scam alert. I have been getting around 6 phone calls a day! I finally talked to one of them after yelling at him to take my number off his call list. I asked him how he had gotten my number and he said it was because I was a business owner. He said he was an hedge fund manager from Florida and is looking to give me money for my company I told him I thought it was very deceitful that his number shows up as a local number. Well, most of them do and none of them use their real numbers. I am in the habit now of calling them back so I can make sure I block each and every number.  

I also ran into this scam on Facebook that I have been looking into.... bitcoin investors. It started out with Esther Perel which funny, happens to have to the same profile photo as Lauren Carrington. Then there is Marko Johnson, who has nothing but Nigerians in his photo feed and is also thanking Lauren Carrington. And then there is Jake Foley, thanking Lauren Carrington. I mean come on Facebook, clean up your site!

 Cercis canadensis

 I have been collecting some interesting artist to share. 

Kit Boyd prints, very moody.

Rachel Emberton creating art inspired by the beautiful natural surroundings where I live in the Scottish countryside. I am thinking a print for my S-I-L!



Thursday, August 01, 2024

My face hurt, I have been giggling so much!

So very interesting.

Originally built for one of Henry VIII’s statesmen, Sutton House has been used for a variety of purposes over the years, becoming a school in the 17th century. During this time, it’s thought that paper shapes cut out by schoolgirls slipped through gaps in the floorboards, remaining undiscovered until now. 

The paper-cuttings will be on display at Sutton House from Friday 19 July until December. 

Making the discovery 

During renovation works in the late 1980s, hundreds of items found under floorboards were carefully stored away. These finds remained uncatalogued for over 30 years until last year, when a team of volunteers began to sort through bags of centuries-old builders’ rubble, discarded textiles, paper and bones and other objects which had been lost over time.

Among the finds volunteers discovered a small number of delicate cut-out paper designs, only a few centimetres in size. Eight of these have been dated to the late seventeenth century when papercutting as a pastime in the UK was in its infancy and are extremely rare survivals. 

The discoveries include an intricate folded paper star, hand-coloured cut-outs of a fox, and a female figure bathing, and a hen with added green and pink silk embellishment, along with black and white cut-outs of a bird and a country couple in clothing of the period. 

This a real thing, I thought it was a joke 

At Flat Earth University, we are more than an educational institution; we are a community of forward-thinkers, skeptics, and open-minded individuals. We challenge the status quo, question widely-accepted facts, and venture where few have dared to go. Join us in our quest for knowledge, as we peel back the layers of conventional wisdom and discover the world as it truly is—flat, expansive, and infinitely intriguing.  

And then there is this little nugget 

Yeah, I could not get a job in my profession at 65 … so there is that! Then someone commented - How many of us were let go from employment because of our age? They want us to keep working, but who is going to hire us? Walmart only has so many grocery carts.

George is right!

I have been giggling since I watched trump at the National Association of Black Journalist where trump just nailed it (being an asshole, that is).


I even know not to do this!

Laura Loomer is a little off (putting). 

Why does someone who does this to their face feel they have the right to be nasty to other people?

Alina Habba if also a nasty piece of work with lots of work done on her face ... to bad it didn't smooth those rough edges