1. Rio Airways (but Deb, I did not get to take the photo in my yellow uniform ;); 2. Pixie hair-phase and would have it now it my face weren't so big; 3. Scuba diving ID; 4. "What's-up-with-the-flip?" hairdo Texas license; 5. I don't know why my hair always looked better in San Francisco, CA Driver's License, 6. S.F. work ID; 7. S.F Press Pass; and then we enter into the very scary phase of my life ... 8. and 9. WA Driver's License, total decline in really not giving a sh*t of how I looked at all, after becoming a working mom, tired, no make-up ... and I really wanted to scare you, I would show you my CostCo card ID! (Click on image to see it larger).

Self-Portrait Challenge for more imperfections.
I love photo ID cards. I think they're so interesting - like a mark in time being used to represent the now. I love the third card, so chic!
With that being said, all of my ID cards are unrecognizable as me and often hilarious. I think its just one of those things.
Yes, I love photo IDs too. Yes, I looooove all the pain they cause when I see myself and think Yikes! do I really look like that???!!! LOLOLOL I have to admit everyone else's ID photos just make me laugh uproariously.
As for yours Kimmy, I clicked on your images to make larger, but it didn't get big enough for me to see enough details or to cause any loud guffaws (sorry, can't help myself). You looked cute as a bug in a rug!! ;)
thanks uber mer ... my flippy hair ;)
Okay Linda, I wish I could have put them on there larger, and thought about doing it so you guys could get a goooooood laugh but I was concerned about "idenity theft" although, I dont think anyone would want MY identity ;)
I'm completely amazed that you still have all these!! And I think you look good in quite a few of them. :-)
These are great! Nothing to be frightened of at all! Silly girl. ;)
Happy Halloween!
Thanks guys. Yes, that is the bad, sad part. I think the last time I went, I actually DID put on make-up and at least comb my hair and it still looks terrible. Can never win ;)
Deb, that is funny you should ask that. I thought I had kept some of these from years ago but then thought I had lost them. D had them all squirreled away with all of his old ID's in his favorite box and I found them the other day.
i hate looking at my id cards. i had to get new id cards made for a french visa just last week. i had to laugh out loud when they asked that we not smile to hard in our shots, LOL.
i like your id pics. gorgeous.
Oh I love these!!! If I could show you my last Massage License you would DIE laughing... I am surprised i did not get denied my license based solely on the photo... I was about 9 weeks pregnant and looked horrible... No makeup, hair sticking up weird... I really looked like some kinda crack whore. GAH!
love to you
Awesome Kim! Great contribution.
That is such a creative and interesting submission! I wish I had thought of it!! Great addition...
I love this! :)
Enter the Bad Driver's License, hosted by veteran "Bad Face Day at the DMV" veteran Doug Johnson. Go to www.dougthedrummer.com and hit the Bad Driver's License tab!
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