Monday, March 03, 2025

Paint-by-numbers abstractions

I finally got Covid. I had dinner with friends, who also had invited some other friends ... and we all got Covid. I shared mine with Matt. So far, everyone else has been Covid-free. 

I am out of F words. I am speechless of what we just witnessed in the oval office. Putin must be drinking vodka straight from the bottle as he high-fives donald and his clown show. 

We are now isolated. Without friends. I fear a big economic collapse coming out way when these 1,000's of unemployed workers start trying to survive on unemployment  while trying to find new employment, if they can. Crypto currency push by trump is scaring me. I mean, crypto currency is a money-laundering scheme! There are so many signs. Signs that we have seen coming for years if we kept going down this stupid-self-destruck-maga-path. 

Anyway, enuf said. There is honestly not much else to say about our state of affairs at the moment. 

I slept away Covid and now I am back on dish-duty. 

Hope everyone is doing okay in these crazy times. 

Lui Ferreyra work is wonderful. Fractal abstractions of reality. And his Instagram.  

“When I was a child my dad showed me one of those graphics made up of a bunch of dots that are supposed to determine whether you’re color blind or not. At first, I didn’t see anything and I thought he was kidding around, but after a focused effort, I discovered a hidden number that emerged out of the jumbled mess of dots. Once I saw it I couldn’t unsee it. It seemed like magic to me. I think that was probably when I fell in love with the notion of deconstructing the visual field. It showed me, way back then, that an image didn’t need to be photo-realistic– that you could represent an image partially and the viewer’s mind could finish the rest.”