Sunday, October 13, 2024

A possible break from reality

Well, I finally did it. I fell. Not badly but tried to stop myself with my hand. My wrist is now out of order and I had to beg someone, actually two someones to help me up. Embarrassing. Noah was embarrassed. I have not gone to the doctor yet because I am not convinced it is broken. It is in my arm just above my wrist, I can feel exactly where the problem is. Matt bought me a great splint and I have had it on for two days. I really don't want a cast, all hard and itchy. I am arm still hurts, I can't do much with my hand like holding something heavy. So I will see how it feels tomorrow and probably go to the doctor. I have still managed to do dishes and I can type ... did think I probably could. 

Bri bought me a couple of bottles of good red wine, should help me through for the next couple of days. The kids have been acting up and I think she is trying to soften me up from being mad at them LOL

Besides that, not much. The deck is coming along nicely. Matt is losing interest and we have to be diligent about bitching at him to get going on the weekends. I really want it finished before the rain comes. Bri is dreaming of how to "stage" it with new furniture. The dogs are sick of walking on the exposed foundation. 

Did you hear about how the trump cult were left at Coachella without a way back to their cars, 2 hours away? Well, I have laughed all day at the responses. Of course, they are blaming the mayor? The sheriff? It is a conspiracy? They didn't think about this is trump's rally, think he is responsible for this dilemma!

My one of two blue Texas friends sent me this great story. I have been so blue (pardon the pun) about the thought of that dumb ass criminal winning that I can hardly think straight. Then there is a great story like this, in a state that I had basically written off being all red. "A ‘Locally hated/Dyslexic Hairstylist’ battles the Christian right in a Texas town" She is my current hero. If you are down and out, read her story.

I have been watching the hurricanes cleanup ... it just breaks my heart. These people have lost everything! All of their belongings piled up in the front yard!


 Lucy Levenson, folk artist

Cas Holmes
Everything I do has at its heart my love for the natural world and I hope to draw attention to the complex design of plant forms. I would like to encourage you to look again at your local flora, your gardens and your landscapes. My hope is that this will allow you to experience the details of your environment and to become aware of its vulnerability in these days of climate change and species loss.

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