See we are not so abnormal: "Ever since a bowerbird once vividly appeared to her in a dream, she has formed a fixation with creating beautiful objects out of found materials. "I come from an entire family of hoarders", comments Gillings. "My brothers and I are cursed/blessed with the same affliction. I think it's genetic. We collect to the point of suffocation. We sort and catalogue. Assign and combine..." Her studio is filled with the modern detritus of life - plastic cutlery, packing strap, dismembered toys, drinking straws, bread tags, used toothbrushes, empty pill packets, vegemite lids, spray can pumps, all the 'leftovers' of consumption that normally end up as landfill"

1 comment:
Kim - you must come to KS with a truck - the basement and attic and closets are full of finds & recycles. Next spring they go and so do I from the stairs. See you all soon and remember presents are way down on the list.
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