Sunday, October 06, 2024

It has been two years this week since our lives changed forever

Eye surgery went great. Spent the last couple of days recouping, eye-dropping and resting eyes ... the long distance vision is amazing, the colors and brightness, amazing! Now if everything can just settle down a little bit and things will quit feeling like my sight is jumping around. My distant vision is great but near vision is really blurry. I am not going to worry until everything calms down and we will figure it out.

My brain just did a 360 in my head and broke. I could not log on to facebook or my hotmail account and I am sure something tried to hack into them both. I have been getting emails telling me that someone from China, or Vietnam, or some place is trying to log in to my facebook account. I do get those all the time. I have hardly been on my computer lately so to see that I have been kicked out of both for trying to log in too many times is alarming. Anyway, 3 hours later ... I am back in to both. Not before having to log on (IE remember all my other passwords) all of my other emails. I AM GETTING TOO OLD FOR THIS BULLSHIT. LEAVE US OLD PEOPLE ALONE.  I post and report and block so many people, talk crap to folks, I am sure I am on some "give her some shit" list.

I have been getting about 6 random phone calls a day about me owning some company and them wanting to give lots of money to invest. At first I just hung on them, then I spoke to one kid and he tried to explain how they got my number. So now I answer, tell them not to call again, block and report. It's exhausting being the focus of hackers.

I watch Sunday Morning, let the dogs and cats out many times, drink my coffee, listen to the girls conduct ‘experiments’ in the kitchen, read the news, watch some stupid fox interviews and get mad, have a little silent cry about the death of our democracy and how horrible trump is … and get on with doing dishes and the rest of my day. This was my morning. I can't lie, I am worried about the upcoming election. I am trying to get my head around what this world will look like if trump is in office again, trying to figure out my mental survival strategy ...

This is such a cool group on Facebook ... Manhole covers around the world. Also, Japanese manhole covers.

Did you catch elon being a dorky dick at the trump rally.  Can't decide which dickhead I hate more.

Anyway, on to better subjects. I have been running across some wonderful art and artist lately, saving their links and work.

Russell Miyaki is a contemporary artist and creative director in New York city, His studio is at Metro Art Studios in Bridgeport, CT, which is a renovated historic 1800’s corset factory. Russell is 3rd generation Japanese American born and raised in New Mexico. Attended school in Colorado graduating with honors majoring in advertising design and illustration. Throughout his career he has worked for several design studios and advertising agencies winning his share of industry awards and recognition. From the One Show Interactive to multiple Webbys. But his most fulfilling moment of his career was when he risked everything he had and started his own greeting card design studio where he designed, painted and published his own lines of work. 
I love how he convey the chaotic energy of a dog in a few brush stokes. Go see more here. And his Instagram.

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