Saturday, June 01, 2024

Summer breeze

I went in Bartell's for three items and came out with $200 worth of stuff. Mostly shampoo, makeup and vitamins. Why are vitamins so expensive? And why most the drugstores, Bartell's, Rite Aid, Walgreens shelves practically bare? I keep thinking they are going out of business ... but all of them?

 I also went to PCC and got some radishes. French Breakfast variety. I usually don't shop there because it is so expensive.

 I was thinking today how the breeze is always cool here. I have never had one of those Texas-blow-dryer-hot wind slap me in the face here. Only a pleasant, cool, gentle breeze ... straight off Puget Sound?

1 comment:

LindaSonia said...

Would love to have those radishes - have never seen them in any grocery store here near me. Maybe I need to go to a more affluent neighborhood and check out their stores - LOL