Sunday, October 30, 2016

The End (papers)

It is strange what you remember about your childhood. Bits and pieces stuck in the far corners of your brain. Thinking about Mason's books has made me remember things about my favorite books as a child. I still have some of them in storage, that I need to go dig out for her. I remember some of them, and many of the illustrations made me feel very sad. But what I remember looking at in amazement and delight the most are the endpapers! Isn't that funny! 

 Like this one by John Kemper

Here are some delightful examples:

The Golden Circus Book by Kathryn Jackson with end paper art by Alice and Martin Provensen, 2005 found here on Red Caps Cards, where you can see more examples.

Of course there are some great examples on Pinterest, here and here.


Bob Staake The End post.

This is a beautiful example by Walter Crane, Sing a Song of Sixpence Picture Book, Endpapers, London & New York: John Lane, 1909, below.


Yukai Du bright and beautiful

I love the colors and textures used by Yukai Du. Visit her website to see more. 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

I can not help myself

This election is making me mentally ill.