Friday, February 03, 2006

Illustration Friday - (first) Chair

Illustration Friday challenge is chair. I love small chairs of all kinds and have a collection of them.


AscenderRisesAbove said...

oh so very clever; would make a great series for note cards.

Ginger*:) said...

Excellent idea. Oh the struggle for the first chair!

Anonymous said...

Oh, good one, Kim! I can relate to this since I played trombone in the band. Alas, I could never beat the first-chair fellow, but stayed steadily at second.

Much thanks for the reminder! And love the illo!

Katili said...

Very elegant drawing and I like the feeling of music here. Then again there is those sweated hours practising to reach that chair...Well done.


Nice and simplistic style! I had a look at your miniature collection and I am so hooked. I could stare at them forever. There is one that seems to be a giant leave, that is so cool, and the Mexicans with their bold colors - my favorite must be the one that has a bird house attached (but than I am biased because I am pro-bird houses). Fantastic!

MC* said...

Love this, so simple and expressiva :)

The Unknown said...


carla said...

I like the fine simplicity of this and the is elegant and delightful.

Kim Carney said...

Thank you one and all. I have been offline for several days. This was a little wish illo for my son and his trombone efforts!

melinda beavers said...

Yes! Nice catch! I was once first clarinet (this is going waaaaaaaay back). I miss it! Oh to be that good at something! Great illo - LOVE the text!

Paul said...

A touch of whimsy. Nice!

Anonymous said...

i like the play on the theme -- "first chair". verra nice! love the colors you've chosen.

Regina said...

Very clever and original idea! I love the simple color palette that you used for this!