Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Illustration Friday - Metropolitan

This week's Illustration Friday prompt is Metropolitan. I think Museum first.



starky said...

nice :)

Anonymous said...

That is WONDERFUL! I always look for your illustrations, you're so talented.

paige said...

this is SUPER! I love it.

Rick Lovell said...

Very cool...great juxtaposition of traditional art and modern illustration. Of alot of terrific illustrations, this is my favorite so far.

Anonymous said...

Love it love it love it... Your work has such a great polished look to it.. I love the style you have. Okay so you take amazing pictures and you are a rockin artist ta' boot. PLEASE tell me your cooking is bad... LOL :O)

Kim Carney said...

Thanks everyone! Yes, Rebecca... I am a terrible cook! (did you read what my son had to say about my cooking ;)

Anonymous said...

Love this one, great mix of visual styles :)

Anonymous said...

Yep! An excellent concpet well executed. Now I'll go and read about how bad a cook you are. : P

evil_jeanius said...

Love it! One of my favourites.

bee'nme said...

I love this - it's really clever and so well done. The visual mix is just delightful. A favorite of mine too!! Wonderful!

Linda said...

This is great! Made me smile ...

Cin said...

love the contrast in styles. . . and I'd like to be where he is !

"Maggie & Kevin" said...


LOVE, LOVE THIS! What a fab concept. Well done!

I am unable to work on any illos as my computer is in the midst of being rebuilt.


Alison Ashwell said...

excellent idea!

Kim Carney said...

Thank you all! You are all too kind.

Anonymous said...

Great illustration, and good idea behind it.
