Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Illustration Friday - Black & White

As hard as I try to think an illustration idea about black and white for Illustration Friday, the one thing that keeps coming to mind is doing illustrations IN black & white (and grey) when I worked at newspapers. Most illustrations we did were not color, only black and white, and the challenge was to keeping it interesting without color. Incorporating maps, charts, headlines in the illustration. It was fun. I dug these up and to tell you how old they are - Adobe Illustrator 3.0.


Julie Oakley said...

These are so good. You did a great job of making greyscale 'colourful'.

Cin said...

wow Kim these are fantastic !

happyd said...

illustrator 3.0 !?!?! that's crazy. your illos are very dynamic and fun!

Amy said...

These are great. I agree with Julie...for only being greyscale the images are VERY colorful!

Anonymous said...

Super neat. Great job.


Anonymous said...

These are awesome! There's so much energy and movement in all of them.

Anonymous said...

You have a really nice style. Nice balance with tones and I love how you used the entire space.

Jeope said...

Illustrator 3.0? Whoa, that takes me back. I'm a Freehand user, which invariably means I'll soon be an Illustrator user, too.


bee'nme said...

I love these! Very well done - I enjoyed exploring them - there are fun little treasures in each one! Great style too! I had a good time thumbing through your site - good stuff :o)

Balwearie said...

Those are brilliant! I love the scientist - esp. with the man in the test tube.

Anonymous said...

These are some of the coolest vector images I've seen and all in glorious black and white (and grey) - they rock!

Anonymous said...

ur illo is so great!

Kim Carney said...

Gosh, I will have to start doing those ole B/W illos again! Thanks all for wonderful comments. Kim

Carolyn said...

I love these. Especially the scientist. Amazing with such a limited pallette!

Anonymous said...

Each is more charming than the next. I love them all.

Tony LaRocca said...

Being a closet mad scientist, the last one cried out to me. The chemist is contemplating on drinking that and turning into a Hyde-ish supervillian, I just know he is!
(Wow, talk about a rorschach test!)

Kim Carney said...

You know, Mr. mad closet scientist, that was was so much fun to do, with all the negative spaces (before pathfinder) and the little test-tube people. Thanks for noticing. I think he was going to ingest one...