Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Illustration Friday - Alone

Illustration Friday this week is Alone. Alone had a different meaning when I was single. Now, married and a house full of family, alone means time for myself to do anything I want - without guilt. Time for silence, have a little quiet party with myself!



Anonymous said...

I LIKE to be alone. And the illustration tells me that so do you.

Kim Carney said...

And thankfully my husband does not take that as an insult, and the rest of my family understands that is a special part of my being.

Joe said...

Alone is not all bad! I like it!

Ellie said...

Kim, I really like how you did this. Between your confetti and my bubble bath, we both have fun alone! My hubby understands too - if I don't get some alone time, then he ends up being married to a cranky woman.

"Maggie & Kevin" said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
"Maggie & Kevin" said...

This is so cute, I can just see you snip snipping away. I hope you are enjoying your time off. It looks as though your creativity is boundless!

Sorry for that delete, I am ahead of myself here.

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! I want to be alone and have a party just for myself too :)
have a great week..

Amy said...

That's my kind of alone too :). My husband understands the need for alone time. As for my two little's time is their time most of the time!

usa said...

this is great! i've always thought of alone as being lonely and unhappy..

Kim Carney said...

Thank you one and all. The alone party's on me!
Usa - ironically, when single, I had times when I thought alone was lonely and unhappy. I wish now I had cherished it a little more, knowing later that ALONE would be like a gift! Life is funny that way.