Friday, March 11, 2005

Illustration Friday -- Ancient

Illustration Friday this week is Ancient. This is how long I have used a Mac! Done in Adobe Illustrator, my favorite program.

Ancient Times


Anonymous said...

Beautiful... My mom has a vase exactly like it ;-)

Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

very nice illo.. very beautiful vase..

Anonymous said...

This looked so classic i almost didnt notice the mac and floppy!!! NICE JOB!

Cin said...

hee, love the Mac and floppy, didn't notice it at first either, which is good 'cause when you look in closer, tee hee, nice surprise !

Anonymous said...

I really love this vase! (You should send a pic to Apple). I love Macs too and would never buy anything else. I remember learning on the really old ones, so I'm a little ancient too ;o)

Amy said...

So COOL. Upon a double take, even cooler. :)

"Maggie & Kevin" said...

What a clever illustration. The Mac and floppy disc are a hoot! Kim, you are always full of delightful surprises.

Hopefully this will post...having some problems sending to your site.

sharonb said...

LOL from a fellow 'classic' mac owner
great work