Sunday, October 15, 2023

Take a seat and make art

I finally decided I will not be able to make enough Brantler's for the craft show in November at the Grey Sky Gallery in Seattle. I was really stressing over that and decided to bite the bullet, write the owner a note of apology. She was very generous and understanding. I just hope I have not burned any bridges there. The girls spent the night last night. Bri has the flu and they wanted to come over. Let the chaos ensue! They are always good when they are here. They both had nice, long baths in bubbles, had grilled cheese and strawberries, watched the movie, Elemental, which I have to say was excellent! And NOTE to self ... wash that nasty melted cheese slice off the plate before it dries, I swear it was like a strong bonding glue. 

Mason and I are watching a A Domestika class on drawing and experimenting, Sketchbook Exercises for Artistic Growth with artist, Sarah van Dongen. I thought it would be good for both of us.

The kids have been busy with the water color markers.

Mason did some great abstracts.

Noah loves Memaw

Now they are making pancakes ... let the MESS begin. Here is Post-Pancake mess, could be worse

Noah woke up at 4am, which woke me up and then Mason woke up at 5am ... needless to say, I got not sleep last night. The movie is a great take on different cultures learning to live with each other. I love the two main characters, Ember and Wade Ripple. 



I want a denim sofa!!! 

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