Saturday, October 14, 2023

Are we headed for a holy war?

I forgot about the eclipse but noticed a change in the air and light around 9-ish. It is cloudy here, but there was a little break in the clouds and the sun came out. I think it is fascinating the way animals react to it. 

I have spent too much time watching the conflict in Israel and Gaza. I was stunned when it happened and I am still in shock. My friend and I talk about it all the time. I have one friend who is just as worried as me. I keep telling myself that the palestinian ARE not Hamas. A generation, or two have been completely displaced. Too poor to rebuild. Really no where to run to. The entire situation feels hopeless. My heart aches for all the people killed, killed in Israel and Gaza. The poor people taken hostages for a horrible terrorist group of thugs. Iran is not to be trusted.

This is a powerful video. This woman has a no-nonsense approach to HAMAS. 

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