Friday, October 13, 2023

Tolling the trolls

I have questions

Why do the squirrels feel compelled to cross the dangerous street for something to eat? There is probably something just as good on their side. 

Why does your favorite song come on the radio the minute you pull into your drive-way?  

Why is the dough so much better than the cooked cookie?

Why do I only like Baskin-Robbins ice cream and why are they all closing ...  and in the recent years it seems like all the B-R's I have visited have been owned and run by Japanese.

Why does life have to be so complicated?

Why are there some people that luck just follows them from day to day? I know a few of them.

A friend on mine saw one of the Bird King Trolls on Vashon Island and sent me a photo. The Way of the Bird King

This ambitious public art project is presented by Scan Design Foundation, whose mission is to support Danish-American relations with a focus on environmental sustainability. NWTrolls: Way of the Bird King features six giant hand-built troll sculptures by Danish environmental artist, Thomas Dambo. The publicly-accessible sculptures will be located around the Pacific Northwest where each whimsical troll sculpture is part of an underlying environmental story. The project celebrates the human experience of art by amplifying the connections of cultural heritage between Coast Salish tribal communities and Scandinavian traditions. Thanks to our funding partners and host site partners, there is no admission fee to visit any of the trolls. 



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