Monday, October 16, 2023

Ciao amici amanti del cibo e viaggiatori del mondo

Have been watching Chef Gino D'Acampo, Our Taste on YouTube on his discovering Italy series. It is very interesting and making me very hungry for olive oil (and balsamic). He is showing some great recipes. My only criticism of him is he needs to tone down his teeth, I need sunglasses to watch him.


 Oldest olive tree in the world is located in Crete

7 centuries-old olive trees in Italy 

This is the oldest olive tree in Lazio and stands right next to the town cemetery. It is estimated that this tree is around 3.000 years old and, before an accident that removed a part of the trunk, had a circumference of 12.5 metres. A tradition is linked to this olive tree: it is customary for young local couples to have their photos taken in front of it dressed in wedding attire as a good omen for future life. 

The best olive oils we love to keep in our kitchens

\ Another thing he introduced was The Trulli of Alberobello. The trulli , limestone dwellings found in the southern region of Puglia, are remarkable examples of drywall (mortarless) construction, a prehistoric building technique still in use in this region. The trulli are made of roughly worked limestone boulders collected from neighbouring fields. Characteristically, they feature pyramidal, domed or conical roofs built up of corbelled limestone slabs. Very interesting.

The Duomo of Milan, took almost six centuries to build this spectacular duomo—Italy’s largest Gothic cathedral and the third-largest church in the world. It boasts 135 marble spires, 135 gargoyles, and more than 3,400 statues, which you can admire up close from its rooftop. (Look out for Madonnina, the golden statue of Mary that stands atop the cathedral’s highest spire.) The inside is just as impressive: you’ll find 52 marble columns, magnificent stained glass windows, and stunning altars designed by famed Renaissance architect and artist Pellegrino Tibaldi.

Pampered, massaged cows gives the best ingredients for mozzarella. 

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