Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The rain cometh

I popped down to the bank to deposit my freelance check and it was soooo dark, I took a drive down Sunset Ave, near Sunset Beach, very close to my street. Looking over to the Olympic Mountains, the rain is right there, on it's way! The hard rain just hit!
There is something very weird with the views on my blog and I am dying to know what it is. I use to be able to figure these things out but I gave that up years ago. But 4,000 views a day? And now my total views is at 2MIL. I always said 1MIL was my goal then I would think about stopping. I know these are not really "reading:" my blog, but something strange is linking to it. There use to be a WhoLinksToMe site, I can't even remember what it was. I just want to make sure it's not sinister.

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