Thursday, September 28, 2023

Broken beyond repair?

I bought a small bag of Cheetos for a treat. 

How can they make toilet paper as thin as the last pack I bought???? 

The sun came back for a minute or two. Makes me happy.

An idea popped into my head about my wilting-in-the-heat hydrangea problem. My peony patch stopped blooming ages ago because the trees grew up near them. SO, I am going to dig up all of those peonies, move them to the hot, sunny spot where the hydrangeas are, move the hydrangeas to the cooler under the trees spot! I will have to pick out the healthier ones to move.  Now I just have to get help to make all of this happen, sooner than later. I mean, the peonies may never bounce back (they don't like to be moved). But as it is now, they never bloom anyway.

I had a sad, eye-opening afternoon yesterday. Around dusk, I decided to run to Trader Joe's and on the way it was getting dark. I thought ... why am I driving in the dusk? It is a little scary to drive at night now. So I  came home and decided to go during the daylight. Getting old SUCKS.

I got Pixie and me more liver pate. We will share.

I had a heart-stopping moment when I came home from shopping and she was still asleep, I didn't think she was breathing. 

My friend sent me picture of her platters that she reeived from her MIL, who is ill. None of the other kids wanted these! UPS packed them up and then arrived shattered in many pieces. I was furious for her! Do we were brainstorming about how to salvage them. Or course the fist think that came to mind was the art of repairing ceramics, kintsugi. She thinks the pattern might be too busy for that, but I think it would be lovely. Plus, the platters are just wonderful! I am heart-broken for her.

This could be the fix!
Buttons? Jewelry?
Whatever this is?

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