Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Meemaw has a Karen-in-the-wild-moment.

It happened at Jack in the Box, getting food for the kids after school. The little crappy chicken nuggets for the kids, a couple of bagged french fries in the kid's meal, my single hamburger and we all wanted milkshakes. Small ones. Which they did not have. I ordered an Oreo, vanilla, and chocolate. She kept writing down Oreo, vanilla and strawberry. I corrected her at least 5 times (to be fair, there was a lot of traffic noise). When we got to the window, thankfully, Mason caught the word strawberry when she was telling us our order. I said, NO NO. Oreo, vanilla and Chocolate, not strawberry. I might have said that last a little forcefully because that is when Mason made the comparison and said "Meemaw, you are acting like a Karen". We all laughed and had to wait another 5+minutes in front of the store for the (get this) $34.00 meal. So I paid $5 for ONE milkshake! They only had one size, the $5 size LOL 

And of course, the kids didn't finish their nuggets and I only ate half of the burger and fed the rest to Murphy's happy mouth. 

I was telling Joanne this story and thought it said so much about the times, I had to share. 

I love this woman (Textile Designer Rebecca Vizard), her style, her home and her ridiously adorable dogs. Her Instagram.


Just to make you feel old, BeeGees Grandkids, you are welcome.

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