Sunday, November 06, 2022

Life skills

I love this guy, Rajiv Surendra | Life Skills. I totally agree with him about ironing, stains on old linens, using those precious linens all the time.


I am watching the kids right now and Noah is crying for an hour "I want Daddy". I am ignoring her. Mason is yelling at her. I am about to throttle them both. Life skill: Patience

(The kids are now playing with water in the sink) 

The kids might be spending the night because their power is still out. I am putting a duvet cover on the new duvet. Well, let me back up a little. David brought home bags and bags from Bed, Bath and Beyond a couple of months ago. He told me he bought new sheets, and a new duvet for the bed, new quilt and pillow covers. I was a little upset because 1) I didn't want to change out the color of the bed linens 2) I didn't think we needed new ones. BUT I agreed that our duvet's goose down all lived in one corner now and it was probably time. The quilt and pillow covers were very nice and matched to bedroom, of course they were, he has an excellent sense of design. He had NOT ordered a cover for duvet and I said, we have to have one, it will get dirty and we will have to wash it all the time. So he order a cover. So now, I was putting on the cover. 

Yesterday, the dogs had jumped up on the bed and I ushered them out of the bedroom. Today, at the very end of wrestling the cover onto this heavy, impossible duvet ... I felt a huge wet spot at the bottom of the bed! It does not look like pee, it does not smell like pee, but what else could it be? So of course, I lost my shit. Am washing the sheets. BUT the duvet! It is NOT goose down, it is heavy cotton, it feels like canvas and weighs about 100 pounds. I established I could not fit it in the washing machine. I mean this is going to need an industrial size machine to wash the darn thing. I hauled it over the shower curtain rod in the bathroom for now, trying to figure out my next step. Life Skill: Making a bed

As I am silently cursing David in my mind for buying such a ridiculous thing! The thought of buying a new, lighter, all-season down version crossed my mind and I ordered one from Amazon, they say it will be delivered today. I know that was rather impulsive, but whatever. We will see. Life Skill: Improvising a tricky situation

Matt had gone to the store to get ice for his food at the house without power. As he was putting the ice in the refrigerator, his lights came home.  So I guess they all all going home now. This has all happened in the space of 2 hours? It makes your head spin how crazy it can all be.

My grandkids and granddogs are a force of destruction LOL  Life Skill: Maintaining your humor


  1. Yikes - God bless you and your life skills. I don't have grandkids to deal with but I do have a kittykat that throws up all over the place. I am stocked up on stain remover spray for sure. Hang in there bubba!

  2. Goodness,it seems there is never a dull moment in your home. I learned to iron at a very early age along with the washing and drying of clothes. It was my chore in our household. I loved ironing especially my fathers work shirts, white always careful not to scorch. In the past when the kids were growing up we always had sit down meals, well until they were in High School. I never sat the table like that but did use cloth napkins. Still do but it is flour sack towels now. I loved the part about being alone with your thoughts I do that alot and like it.

    Remember to Breathe

  3. Well, there is definitely not a dull moment with the kids here. The chaos can be fun, but it gets really quiet when they are gone.
    Beverly, remember those jeans stretchers? put starch on the jean and stretch them and hang them on the the clothes line? that was one of my jobs. Good for you on cloth napkins. I know the kids say sometimes, lets use paper napkins or paper plates. ME --- WHAT? no, we have the plates, let's use those!

    LindaSonia ... Ha, not saying I am good at those skills LOL. Thank you! The dogs only visit every once in awhile now


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