Monday, November 07, 2022

Fingers crossed for our democracy!

I am such a wimp now. I am cold all the time. The rain seems to amplify the chill. But it is suppose to be 41 outside and it feels like it is in the 30's. 

The duvet got here at 5pm yesterday. I spent all night trying to get the mattress protector to dry. Finally got tired and went to bed without making it up. 

The duvet needs to air out, fluff up. It came very, very compressed. So I have it laid out to get air and will put it in the dryer later. My friend suggested I tried this method of stuffing the duvet into the cover. She said it worked. Now I could NOT with the monster one. 


So tomorrow is the day! I feel sick to my stomach. I can hardly watch the news. Tomorrow I quit Twitter. Maybe even tonight.

From David Guilbault, someone who worked as an editor at MSNBC wrote this on Facebook:

(This clear and present danger might very well happen.)
You said all government was broken. You said all politicians are corrupt. You said the media was a pack of liars. You said the institutions that keep this country running were run by greedy oligarchs. You said our elections are rigged. You demonized Washington and Wall Street and the Fourth Estate.
You called Hillary Clinton a criminal, a murderess, a dishonest opportunist - "Killary, Shillary, Crooked Hillary, Cunt, Lock her up!" Your superior conscience wouldn't allow you to vote for Clinton. So, you voted for Jill or for Gary or for Bernie or for no one. 
Congratulations. You elected Donald Trump. Some of you even bought the con and voted for the great deceiver himself.
You now live in an authoritarian state where a despot has control of the federal government. You brought about American fascism.
Let's see how you fare when the press is no longer independent, elections are no longer transparent and your government is no longer of, by and for the people.
You demonized and destroyed the very pillars of civilized society that protected your rights - representative democracy, transparent elections, free enterprise and an independent press.
From the ruins of those institutions rose the first American dictator who has pledged to jail his opponent, bridle the press, unleash the might of his military power, withdraw from the international community, expunge undesirables and "Make America Great Again."
How's that smug, self-righteous vote feel now as you watch your freedom and your country over-taken in a coup by a demagogue who marshaled ignorance, fear, anger, disinformation and deceit?
Welcome to the Trump States of America. T.S.A.! T.S.A.! T.S.A.!
Hail your strongman. Trump! Trump! Trump!



stuff from ellen's head - tomorrow is election day so please consider your vote carefully


  1. I've been stuffing duvets for 40 years. If you ask for the best way to do it- I will make a diagram.
    It takes me very little time. You should have washed and dried the NEW mattress pad at the WASH Place.
    Not enough room in a household drier to get anything that big dry. NEVER wash the duvet itself AT HOME.
    Unless a grandkid pees or pukes on it--don't wash it......... the cover keeps it clean.

  2. Wool socks, wool slippers, wool pants long underwear top and bottoms, hand warmers and hat on head is what I wear inside when cold in this old house. Anxious about the election too, some crazy folks out there running for office. Boggles my mind.

    Check out Rachel Maddow's podcast Ultra. Saw this on another blog this morning.

    Good luck with the duvet I am still working on fitted sheets.

  3. Yes, Beverly- Wool socks and slippers, thermal long sleeved tees under wool sweaters. I should try a hat inside the house. I do a scarf in January- around my neck. If your neck is warm--usually the whole of you feels warm.......

    Oil heating here in Maine is damned expensive. the house gets to 64 and that's it. Still near 1K per fill up.
    and supply is limited.

  4. Sounds like my wardrobe in winter is the same as everyone else here. My addition is a heated blanket on the bed I lay on. I turn it on 30 mins before jumping into bed just to warm up the bed then I turn it off - nothing cozier.

  5. oh, I forgot about a heating blanket!!! I use to love those!!

    Yes, heavy socks for sure. I layer in the house because I get hot when working then freezing sitting still. I guess that needs I need to work around the house more LOL

    Joanne, you are right. We did not wash mattress pad before we put it on


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