Saturday, November 05, 2022

Lights out!

We had a terrific storm last, thunder, lighting, whipping winds, downed trees. I slept through the whole thing. I am so upset I missed, we NEVER get those storms here. Lights back around 11a.

I managed to wake up when the electricity went off around 11p. Had a very had time going back to sleep. My iPad had a little juice so I could watch something on YouTube with a HotSpot connection from my iPhone. Then died early this morning and David's phone had a little, enough to keep up with the news. 

Kids are over because their power is still out. David has these stored all over the house - Collapsible Water and Impact Resistant Mini Camping Lantern stored all over the house with batteries. Very handy. I just needed one small one to get around the house. I highly recommend giving these to people for Christmas stocking presents?

David also bought me a Mon Chateau Faux Fur Throw from Costco the other day. It is very heavy, very warm. I was freezing and wanted to use it but poor Pixie was sleeping so hard in the midst of it ... it just left her and got another blanket for me. Sadly, they are all sold out of these.


  1. Wow crazy storm. We had wind gusts up to 60 mph never lost power then Saturday thunder and gropple with winds. Lost some tree limbs and I think now all the walnuts have dropped from our trees.

  2. we had high winds here in Michigan on Saturday - no power out. We had power out several months back - two almost consecutive times. I think DTE figured out how to fix the connection so we lucked out this time.


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