Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dead of winter

I have been too busy to even think about roaming around, seeking out something delicious to photograph. I was so busy finishing up projects right before Christmas up to now, that I am still trying to find time to take down my Christmas trees. I decided yesterday, I am in a desperate need of an entire month off. ;)


  1. Love these. I've done this with some of my pics too. xoxo

  2. Love these. I've done this with a couple of my pics too. xoxo

  3. Love these. I've done this with a couple of my pics too. xoxo

  4. Gorgeous colors. The patches at the bottom of each photo remind me of eye shadow.

    The twigs look like great ones kids would use for snowman's arms/hands.

  5. Peruby! Thank you! I sure miss taking photos. Have not made that a priority lately and I really miss it!

    Gerrie, I love doing this ... pulling out the interesting colors. It is how I use to come up with color palette for illustrations ') back when I did that kind of stuff. xoxoxox


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