Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pretty in pink

Mom is feeling a little better. We went Thrift store shopping to find some pants that will actually *fit* her and she went all pink. I think having a couple of new outfits AND getting out of the house did her a world of good. Will insist that we do that once a week ... and NOT just doctor appointments, ER visits or picking up meds.


  1. She is so beautiful!

  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I seriously think your mom should be featured on - she always looks so classy.

  3. Lovely to see your Mum looking well - and pretty damned great! I still 'stalk' your blog - though I don't comment as I should. I wish I had your fortitude in keeping up with mine. Hard to 'do' Pinterest and keep a blog as well. Thanks again for your great posts and art inspirations.

  4. Lovely to see your Mum looking well - and pretty damned great! I still 'stalk' your blog - though I don't comment as I should. I wish I had your fortitude in keeping up with mine. Hard to 'do' Pinterest and keep a blog as well. Thanks again for your great posts and art inspirations.

  5. Thank you Terry! She does look good considering what she has been through the last year! xoxo

    Hey Dorian, yes, both are taking a toll on me as well.

    I have thought of my mom on advanced style! She would be so pleased ;)


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